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762eaee · May 6, 2024




FastAPI URL Shortener

Install the Project

  1. Create a Python virtual environment
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $
  1. Install the requirements
(venv) $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Project

You can run the project with this command in your terminal:

(venv) $ uvicorn shortener_app.main:app --reload

Your server will reload automacially when you change a file.

Verify Your Environment Variables

The project provides default environment settings in shortener_app/ While you can use the default settings, it's recommended to create a .env file to store your settings outside of your production code. E.g.:

# .env

With an .env file that contains the ENV_NAME variable with the value "Development" you can verify if your external .env file loads correctly:

>>> from shortener_app.config import get_settings
>>> get_settings().env_name
... loading Settings

To get an overview of the environment variables you can set, check the shortener_app/ file.

☝️ Note: You should never add the .env file to your version control system.

Visit the Documentation

When the project is running you can visit the documentation in your browser:

About the Author

Philipp Acsany - Email: [email protected]


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE in the root directory of this materials repo for more information.