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Express Credit Check Workflow

This is a simple workflow engine built with:

  • XState v5
  • TypeScript
  • Express

This is a modified version of the express-workflow project that shows how to implement state hydration in the actorService.ts file. It also uses a more complex machine with guards, actions, and parallel states configured.

NOTE: This project is not production-ready and is intended for educational purposes.


MongoDB should be configured with a database named creditCheck.

We recommend installing the MongoDB Compass app to view the contents of your database while you run this project.

Add the connection string to the DB client in the actorService.ts file by updating this line:

const uri = "<your mongo uri here>/creditCheck";
pnpm install
pnpm start


POST /workflows

Creates a new workflow instance.

curl -X POST http://localhost:4242/workflows

Example response: 201 - Created

  {"message":"New worflow created successfully","workflowId":"uzkjyy"}

POST /workflows/:id

200 - OK

Sends an event to a workflow instance.

# Replace :id with the workflow ID; e.g. http://localhost:4242/workflows/7ky252
# the body should be JSON
curl -X POST http://localhost:4242/workflows/:id -d '{"type": "Submit", "SSN": "123456789", "lastName": "Bauman", "firstName": "Gavin"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

GET /workflows/:id

Gets the current state of a workflow instance.

curl -X GET http://localhost:4242/workflows/:id