Tests that check various Spring Cloud functionalities on the Brewery project.
Do applications talk to each other properly via:
- Zookeeper
- Eureka
- Consul
Does request instrumentalization work properly with:
- Sleuth with Zipkin
- Sleuth Stream with Zipkin
In tracing approach we're checking the following integrations:
- WebAsyncTask returning Controller's methods
- Explicit TraceCommand calls
- AsyncRestTemplate with @LoadBalanced RestTemplate
- @Async annotated methods
- CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(...) with TraceableExecutorService
- Controllers with Callable returning methods
- Javanica (@HystrixCommand annotated methods)
This project is automatically ran from the Brewery root project via a bash script during PR builds. Since this is a normal Gradle project, you can run the tests by simply passing Gradle commands. Check the configuration section for more info on how to parametrize the tests.
When ran in a PR build acceptance tests are placed in a docker container so that they can access the Docker Virtual Network. Only then will the tests be able to find and successfully call the Presenting service via service discovery tool.
Check the io.spring.cloud.samples.brewery.acceptance.common.WhatToTest
to see what exactly you can test.
In order to execute the those tests you have to provide a system parameter WHAT_TO_TEST
with the value
from that enum. E.g.
./gradlew test -DWHAT_TO_TEST=SLEUTH
In addition to this you can provide a couple of more parameters:
# will point to the desired URL to find the all services (e.g., Useful when working
# with docker-machine