Welcome to the repository for the Automation Track of Red Hat Summit Connect 2023!
In this repository you will find the instructions and configuration to replicate the use cases in your environment.
- Use cases
- Configuration
- Requirements
The configuration will create a template, [EDA][OCP] Create VM and configure monitoring that will provide a cloud-like experience to create a virtual machine on Openshift Virtualization.
You need to fill Provisioning Webhook to match your environment configuration when running it from the AAP Controller Console.
The use case articulates in three phases:
The VM is created instanciating a Virtual Machine template in OCP, the first configuration steps are taken using cloud-init and at the end of the configuration the Provisioning Webhook is called to trigger EDA and start the day 2 operations.
Once the VM provisioning webhook has been called, the VM is:
- registered on the Red Hat Network to attach a subscriptio
- configured to export metrics using node-exporter for Prometheus
- attached to Red Hat Insights for CVE detection and remediation
Once registered to Red Hat Insights, the platform will send an event that is handled by the eda-insights rulebook activation in EDA.
The automation that is triggered will take care of:
- Check if the advisories contain attached security fixes (CVEs)
- Check which of the advisories that contain CVEs need a reboot
- Generate remediation playbooks on Red Hat Insights
- Generate a workflow containing the remediation playbooks
- Attach an approval step to the workflow if the operation requires a reboot
This use case will focus on automatic remediation of problems detected on a Virtual Machine deployed on Openshift virtualization.
In this specific case, we will simulate a filesystem available space exhaustion by allocating more space than available and this event will be captured by the AlertManager rule we deploy along with the VM. It will report the issue as critical and generate the OCPVirtLowDisk alert that will be sento to the listener on the AlertManager rulebook activation, that will take care of:
- React to the OCPVirtLowDisk alert coming from OCP
- Raise a ServiceNow incident
- Resolve the issue on the VM
- Notify the resolution closing the Incident
Note that the use case will take some time to be executed, as the "Firing" event takes 5 minutes to trigger upon detection.
During the VM deploy, we also deployed a ServiceMonitor that allows Prometheus deployed on OCP to scrape metrics from the VM's node-exporter. Along with that we also defined a PrometheusRule to generate an alert based on the above metrics, when available disk space on a VM reaches a critical level.
To trigger the alert, it is sufficient to generate a disk saturation. To do this, SSH in the newly created VM and run:
sudo fallocate -l 150G /myfilesystem/test
The alert will be visible in the "Observe" section in OCP and in 5 minutes without resolution, it will become "Firing", and it will be sent to Event Driven Automation Controller for further processing.
Once EDA has been notified, it will trigger a job template execution to report the incident on the ITSM platform, creating a ticket and proceed with the resolution.
For the sake of the use case, it is a simple resolution removing the file that caused the issue, but it can be extended using FS resizing, adding a disk, etc.
The last use case focuses on the capability to react to a failure of a device based on the analysis of sensors' data streaming on a Kafka topic. The Event driven controller subscribes to the topic and checks the incoming data to take action in case of anomalies.
The controller device at the edge, deployed on Microshift sends the sensor information to a Kafka topic. As a result of an anomaly, the sensor data reveals an unexpected increase in the vibrations of the components of the controlled engine.
A Kafka receiver, configure in Event Driven Automation Controller, is subscribed to the same topic and implements a logic that checks for vibration values over the threshold.
When the threshold condition is met, the remediation phase starts, immediately shutting down the engine and raising an Incident to notify the fault, to then proceed with a manual inspection on the device itself.
In this section you will find the requirements to successfully run all the use cases.
A working OCP cluster is required to run the demo, as the use case will leverage Red Hat Openshift Virtualization to create a Virtual Machine. The Virtual Machine template is configured to use a second network interface, bridged, to make use of DHCP and make the VM easily reachable from the outside.
You can use any alternative, like MetalLB operator, to assign the VM Service a fixed IP and adapt the configuration based on your needs.
You will need:
- Openshift Virtualization
- Kubernetes NMState Operator - needed to use bridged network to reach the VMs
The Virtual Machine expects a bridged network using an additional NIC on the Openshift nodes for DHCP and IP reachability from Ansible Controller.
Example files are provided in the eda-ocp-virt-automation/ocp-virt-bridged-network folder
Ensure to adjust the name of the interface!
The VM will be configured using two disks, that will consume storage from a default storage class, ensure to have one before proceeding.
One use case relies on OCP Monitoring. VM-related resources are created by the provisioning playbooks, but some additional steps should be taken:
- Configure monitoring for User Defined workloads
- Create an AlertManager receiver for user workloads
Configuration snippets can be found in the eda-ocp-virt-automation/ocp-monitoring folder
Relevant configuration to run the demo is provided in the aap-setup folder. The playbooks in it will take care of provisioning the following resources:
On AAP Controller
- Dedicated project(s)
- Job Templates
- Credentials, including custom for Service Now, Openshift, Red Hat Subscription Manager
- Workflows
On EDA Controller
- Dedicated project
- Token exchange with AAP Controller
- Decision Environment
- Rulebook activations for AlertManager, Dynatrace, Webhook and Insights
A minimum configuration is available in the config-variables.yml file where you need to specify the following:
Configuration details
# AAP Controller information
# EDA Controller information
# Service Now information
# Openshift Container Platform information
# Red Hat ID Credentials
# Dynatrace instance information
When the variables are in place, to run the configuration:
ansible-playbook -i aap-setup/inventory aap-setup/configure-aap.yml -e @config-variables.yml