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Design patterns implemented in Java
mall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于SpringBoot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。
The java implementation of Apache Dubbo. An RPC and microservice framework.
👨🎓 Java Core Sprout : basic, concurrent, algorithm
A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件)
CAT 作为服务端项目基础组件,提供了 Java, C/C++, Node.js, Python, Go 等多语言客户端,已经在美团点评的基础架构中间件框架(MVC框架,RPC框架,数据库框架,缓存框架等,消息队列,配置系统等)深度集成,为美团点评各业务线提供系统丰富的性能指标、健康状况、实时告警等。
MIT Deep Learning Book in PDF format (complete and parts) by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
🥤 COLA: Clean Object-oriented & Layered Architecture
This is a library with components of Android L to you use in android 2.2
📌 a missing Java std lib(simple & 0-dependency) for framework/middleware, provide an enhanced InheritableThreadLocal that transmits values between threads even using thread pooling components.
An annotation processor for generating type-safe bean mappers
A Minecraft Launcher which is multi-functional, cross-platform and popular
configuration library for JVM languages using HOCON files
BTrace - a safe, dynamic tracing tool for the Java platform
⭐️一款好用又强大的开源社区,基于 Spring Boot、MyBatis-Plus、MySQL、Redis、ElasticSearch、MongoDB、Docker、RabbitMQ 等主流技术栈,附详细教程,包括Java、Spring、MySQL、Redis、微服务&分布式、消息队列等核心知识点。学编程,就上技术派😁。
IntelliJ IDEA上的SmartIM(原SmartQQ)插件,可以在IDEA中使用QQ或微信聊天
Adds an option to IntelliJ to import drawables in different resolutions from AndroidIcons, own "drawable repos" and scale a certain image down/up to the defined resolutions.
Prefuse is a set of software tools for creating rich interactive data visualizations in the Java programming language. Prefuse supports a rich set of features for data modeling, visualization, and …