Ecommerce site with Laravel 8, Vue 3 and Stripe.
Laravel 8
Vue 3 with composition API
Vuex 4 state management
Form validation with Vee Validate and Yup
Vuex-persist for persisting cart after page refresh
Stripe for payments
Easily change currency by setting two environment variables:
ESLint code linting with AirBnB ruleset
CSS animations
Responsive mobile menu
SonarCloud code quality scanner integration on all pull requests
Laravel tests with CircleCI integration
Fork or clone the project
Ensure you have PHP 7.4 or newer installed and setup properly (alternatively use Docker, see
Ensure you have access to a PostgreSQL database
Ensure you have Node installed
and modify the values -
composer install
to install the PHP dependencies with Composer. Check out if necessary -
npm install
to install the Node dependencies needed by the project. Check out if necessary -
php artisan:migrate
to setup the Laravel database migrations -
You should create at least one sample product. Although you can use the builtin factory seeders, I prefer to do manual creation for testing purposes.
To do so run these commands after running
php artisan tinker
:$product = new App\Models\Product(); $product->name = 'Example Product'; $product->slug = 'example-product'; $product->description = 'Example product description'; $product->imageUrl = 'url to image'; $product->price = 99; $product->save();
npm run watch
to serve the Vue 3 files -
php artisan serve
to serve the PHP files -
Open up
in your browser
Do WCAG analysis and ensure there are no issues
Finish implementing search with meilisearch-vue or vue-instantsearch when Vue 3 is supported
Add some tests to verify that the cart and checkout works correctly
Consider adding an admin dashboard
Look into performance optimization