is a Rust version of ttrpc. ttrpc is GRPC for low-memory environments.
The ttrpc compiler of ttrpc-rust
is modified from gRPC compiler of gRPC-rs grpcio-compiler.
To generate the sources from proto files:
Install protoc from
Install protobuf-codegen from
Install ttrpc_rust_plugin from ttrpc-rust/compiler
Generate the sources:
$ protoc --rust_out=. --ttrpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-ttrpc=`which ttrpc_rust_plugin` example.proto
Go to the directory
$ cd ttrpc-rust/example
Start the server
$ cargo run --example server unix:///tmp/1
Start a client
$ cargo run --example client /tmp/1
The version of protobuf-codegen which you are using to generate codes should be exactly same with the version of protobuf library.
The reason is that files generated by protobuf-codegen are compatible only with the same version of runtime