Dancing Together is a website for friends, family, couples, coworkers, and even Internet strangers to listen to Spotify together. Simply sign up for an account, create or join a room with friends, select some killer tunes, and hit play. Each person listens to music using their own Spotify account and Dancing Together keeps the jammin' in sync. Pause it, skip it, rewind it, enjoy it!
- Create your own radio station and invite friends via email
- As the DJ, you can change the music from any Spotify app using the "Connect to a device" feature with the "Dancing Together" device
- Listeners are automatically kept in sync with playback changes
- Listeners cannot change the radio station music
- The Dancing Together website only has simple playback controls, it does not support setting the current track or playlist directly. To do this, use the "Connect to a device" feature on any Spotify app
- There can be only one DJ at a time. This can cause sync issues
# Install dependencies
# Add required environment variables
cp .env.example .env
vim .env
# Build containers
make build
# Run database migrations and create a superuser to administer the site
make db-setup
# (Re)build the docker containers after updating dependencies
make build
# Start the docker containers
make run
# Start the frontend server
make watch
# Attach to running containers to enable easy debugging with `pdb`
make attach
NOTE: Do not use seed data in production. This creates two accounts, 'primary' and 'secondary', each with password 'testpassword'.
make check
make test
make deploy
- Dockerfile
- Pipfile: specifies project dependencies
- Pipfile.lock: pins dependency versions to ensure deterministic builds
- Procfile: specifies how to start the app on Heroku
- README.md: this file
- accounts: Django app for managing user accounts
- app.json: specifies configuration for Heroku
- dancingtogether: the main Django project, contains overall url routing
- docker-compose.yml: specifies Docker services that compose this project
- main: Django app for site index and management commands
- manage.py: Program for running management commands
- radio: Django app for listening to music
- tools/scripts: small scripts for developers
- static: Contains the site's css and js files
- templates: common templates for the entire project
- base.html: the base template for every page
Dancing Together is a Django app running on Heroku.
This project uses the Pipenv Python packaging tool to manage dependencies, manage virtual environments, and produce deterministic builds.
Dependency | How Used | Docs |
Django | URL routing, database | https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/ |
Requests | Service-to-service calls (e.g. Spotify API) | http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/ |
channels_redis | Admin notifications when a listener joins the station | https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/channel_layers.html |
django-bootstrap4 | Easy Bootstrap 4 template styling | http://django-bootstrap4.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ |
channels | Websockets for station change notifications | https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ |
django-webpack-loader | Loads the frontend webpack | https://github.com/owais/django-webpack-loader |
djangorestframework | Provides serialization and REST routing | http://www.django-rest-framework.org/ |
drf-nested-routers | Used for /stations/1/listeners/ routing | https://github.com/alanjds/drf-nested-routers |
Dependency | How Used | Docs |
pycodestyle | Pep8 style checking | https://pycodestyle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ |
mypy | Optional static type checking | http://mypy-lang.org/ |
yapf | Python code formatting | https://github.com/google/yapf |
pylint | Python code analysis | https://www.pylint.org/ |
pytest-django | Test fixture support and writing unit tests | https://pytest-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ |
pytest-asyncio | Websocket consumer tests | https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio |
python-dateutil | Parsing server ping response | https://labix.org/python-dateutil |