Folders and files
Name | Name | Last commit date | ||
parent directory.. | ||||
INTRODUCTION ------------ This partition contains a module that captures LDAP operations received by Penrose and stores the changes in a database. The partition also contains a mapping that presents the data into as a change log subtree. INSTALLATION ------------ Copy the entire PENROSE_SERVER_HOME/samples/changelog folder into a new folder in PENROSE_SERVER_HOME/partitions. Prepare a database to store the change log information. Edit DIR-INF/connections.xml if necessary. Initialize the database using the sql/create.sql script. EXAMPLE ------- ldapsearch -h localhost -p 10389 -D uid=admin,ou=system -w secret -x -b "cn=changelog" dn: cn=changelog o: changelog cn: changelog objectClass: extensibleObject objectClass: top dn: changenumber=1,cn=changelog changeNumber: 1 changes:: c246IFVzZXIKY246IFRlc3QgVXNlcgpvYmplY3RDbGFzczogaW5ldE9yZ1BlcnNvbgpv YmplY3RDbGFzczogb3JnYW5pemF0aW9uYWxQZXJzb24Kb2JqZWN0Q2xhc3M6IHBlcnNvbgp1c2VyU GFzc3dvcmQ6IHRlc3QKdWlkOiB0ZXN0Cg== objectClass: changeLogEntry objectClass: top targetDN: uid=test,ou=Users,dc=JDBC,dc=Example,dc=com changeType: add dn: changenumber=2,cn=changelog changeNumber: 2 objectClass: changeLogEntry objectClass: top targetDN: uid=test,ou=Users,dc=JDBC,dc=Example,dc=com changeType: delete