Variable | Purpose |
ACTION_HANDLERS | Optional Action Handlers, listed in extensions/action-handlers. ngpvan-action required for VAN integration |
ALLOW_SEND_ALL | Allow usage of the "Bulk Send" feature. |
APOLLO_OPTICS_KEY | A key for Apollo tracer. |
ASSETS_DIR | Directory path where front-end packaged JavaScript is saved and loaded. Required. |
ASSETS_MAP_FILE | File name of map file, within ASSETS_DIR, containing map of general file names to unique build-specific file names. |
ASSIGNMENT_CONTACTS_SIDEBAR | Show a sidebar with a list of contacts to the texter. Allows texter to freely navigate between conversations, regardless of status. |
AUTH0_DOMAIN | Domain name on Auth0 account, should end in , e.g. . Required. |
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID | Client ID from Auth0 app. Required. |
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret from Auth0 app. Required. |
AWS_ACCESS_AVAILABLE | 1 or 0 to enable or disable S3 campaign exports within Amazon Lambda. |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | AWS access key ID with access to S3 bucket, required for campaign exports outside Amazon Lambda. |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | AWS access key secret with access to S3 bucket, required for campaign exports outside Amazon Lambda. |
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME | Name of S3 bucket for saving campaign exports. |
AWS_REGION | Region of S3 bucket for saving campaign exports. |
BASE_URL | The base URL of the website, without trailing slash, e.g. , used to construct various URLs. |
BULK_SEND_BATCH_SIZE | The number of texts to send out in 1 API call when using bulk send. Necessary to mitigate performance and timeout issues when BULK_SEND_CHUNK_SIZE is large. |
BULK_SEND_CHUNK_SIZE | The number of texts to send out with 1 click of the "Bulk Send" button. |
CACHE_PREFIX | If REDIS_URL is set, then this will prefix keys CACHE_PREFIX, which might be useful if multiple applications use the same redis server. Default: "". |
CAMPAIGN_ID | Campaign ID used by dev-tools/export-query.js to identify which campaign should be exported. |
CAMPAIGN_INVITES_CURRENT_USERS_ONLY | Campaign invites will only work for already-joined organization users (instead of auto-joining them to the organization) |
CONTACTS_PER_PHONE_NUMBER | If EXPERIMENTAL_CAMPAIGN_NUMBERS is turned on, this is the ratio of contacts to phone numbers used to calculate the number of phone numbers required for a campaign, defaults to 200 per Twilio recommendations for P2P. |
CONVERSATION_LIST_ROW_SIZES | The list of options for the number of conversations to show on each page in Message Review. If set this must be an array of integers. The numbers in the array do not need to be sorted. The first number in the array will be the default page size. Default: [10, 30, 50, 100] |
DB_DEBUG | Boolean value to enable debugging of database queries (queries will be logged to the console). Default: false. |
DB_HOST | Domain or IP address of database host. |
DB_MAX_POOL | Database connection pool maximum size. Default: 10. |
DB_MIN_POOL | Database connection pool minumum size. Default: 2. |
DB_NAME | Database connection name. Required. |
DB_PORT | Database connection port. Required. |
DB_SCHEMA | Optional postgres database schema to use instead of public. Useful for running multiple instances on a shared DB server. Default: "" |
DB_TYPE | Database connection type for Knex. Options: mysql, pg, sqlite3. Default: sqlite3. |
DB_USE_SSL | Boolean value to determine whether database connections should use SSL. Default: true. |
DEBUG_SCALING | Emit console.log on events related to scaling issues. Default: false. |
DEFAULT_ORG | Set only with FIX_ORGLESS. Set to integer corresponding to the organization you want orgless users to be assigned to. |
DEFAULT_SERVICE | Default SMS service. Options: twilio, bandwidth, nexmo, fakeservice. |
DEFAULT_TZ | Default timezone region for determining timezone when a contact timezone is unavailable. If this is not set, then texting hours will fallback to 12pm Eastern to 9pm Eastern which is the most conservative value for texting hours in the continental US and probably the right default. Only set this if your entire audience is in a single timezone. |
DEFAULT_RESPONSEWINDOW | Default number of hours after when a campaign's contacts that need a response (after they reply) -- this is changeable per-campaign, but this sets the default. |
DEV_APP_PORT | Port for development Webpack server. Required for development. |
DOWNTIME | When enabled it will redirect users to a /downtime page. If set to a string, it will show the string as a message to users on the downtime page. Use this to take the system down for maintenance. It will NOT stop graphql requests and will NOT stop users that are already in the app. |
DOWNTIME_NO_DB | On AWS Lambda this blocks the site from loading the app at all and swaps out a system that redirects users to /downtime. This is useful for DB maintenance. For non-Lambda environments, just run the src/server/downtime app instead of src/server/index default app |
DOWNTIME_TEXTER | Setting DOWNTIME_TEXTER to a text message (without quotes, please) will give the message as a text to texters when they arrive on the site, but the admin pages will still be accessible. This could be useful if you want to stop new texters from landing on the site and texting, while you debug things. |
DST_REFERENCE_TIMEZONE | Timezone to use to determine whether DST is in effect. If it's DST in this timezone, we assume it's DST everywhere. Default: "US/Eastern". (The default will work for any campaign in the US. For example, if the campaign is in Australia, use "Australia/Sydney" or some other timezone in Australia. Note that DST is opposite in the northern and souther hemispheres.) |
DYNAMICASSIGNMENT_BATCHES | Enables texter strategies for campaigns. Enabled by default are "finished-replies-tz", "vetted-texters", and "finished-replies". Learn more at NOTE: "vetted-takeconversations" is experimental and does not work on its own, needing other three default strategies enabled. |
CONTACT_LOADERS | Optional contact loaders in extensions/contact-loaders ngpvan Required for VAN integration |
EMAIL_FROM | Email from address. Required to send email from either Mailgun or a custom SMTP server. |
EMAIL_HOST | Email server host. Required for custom SMTP server usage. |
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD | Email server password. Required for custom SMTP server usage. |
EMAIL_HOST_PORT | Email server port. Required for custom SMTP server usage. |
EMAIL_HOST_USER | Email server user. Required for custom SMTP server usage. |
EMAIL_HOST_SECURE | Email server security -- set to 1 if connection is made with smtps, otherwise set to 0 to connect without tls. For emails providers such as Postmark that use STARTTLS, set to 0 to connect with STARTTLS |
EXPERIMENTAL_TWILIO_PER_CAMPAIGN_MESSAGING_SERVICE | Allow campaigns to have their own messaging service. This allows Spoke to send more than default Twilio limits of 400 numbers or 80,000 texts per day |
EXPERIMENTAL_CAMPAIGN_PHONE_NUMBERS | Allows campaigns to select numbers from the inventory by area code. Currently only implemented for Twilio and fakeservice. When using Twilio, this creates a messaging service for each campaign on the fly. Requires PHONE_INVENTORY to be turned on. |
EXPERIMENTAL_STICKY_SENDER | Creates permanent mappings between contact numbers and user numbers per organization when a recipient is texted. Once the mapping exists, that contact number will always be texted by that user number. This also means that messaging services will be skipped in favor of the direct user number. |
PHONE_INVENTORY | Enable the Twilio phone number inventory feature while it's under active development |
FIX_ORGLESS | Set to any truthy value only if you want to run the job that automatically assigns the default org (see DEFAULT_ORG) to new users who have no assigned org. |
GRAPHQL_URL | Optional URL for pointing GraphQL API requests. Should end with /graphql , e.g. . Default: "/graphql" |
HIDE_BRANCHED_SCRIPTS | Convert UI to only used canned responses and hide all the interactions/questions. In the interactions section, specify an "Initial Outbound" message, then include canned responses. This also filters shortcut canned responses by the typed message text and shortens canned response titles rather than hiding their shortcut buttons when they are too long. |
JOBS_SAME_PROCESS | Boolean value indicating whether jobs should be executed in the same process in which they are created (vs. processing asyncronously via worker processes). Default: false. |
MAILGUN_DOMAIN | The domain you set up in Mailgun, e.g. . Required for Mailgun usage. |
MAILGUN_PUBLIC_KEY | Should be automatically set during Heroku auto-deploy. Do not modify. Required for Mailgun usage. |
MAILGUN_SMTP_LOGIN | 'Default SMTP Login' in Mailgun. Required for Mailgun usage. |
MAILGUN_SMTP_PASSWORD | 'Default Password' in Mailgun. Required for Mailgun usage. |
MAILGUN_SMTP_PORT | Default: 587. Do not modify. Required for Mailgun usage. |
MAILGUN_SMTP_SERVER | Default: Do not modify. Required for Mailgun usage. |
MAX_CONTACTS | If set each campaign can only have a maximum of the value (an integer). This is good for staging/QA/evaluation instances. Default: false (i.e. there is no maximum) |
MAX_CONTACTS_PER_TEXTER | Maximum contacts that a texter can send to, per campaign. This is particularly useful for dynamic assignment. This must not be blank/empty and must be a number greater than 0. |
MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH | The maximum size for a message that a texter can send. When you send a SMS message over 160 characters the message will be split, so you might want to set this as 160 or less if you have a high SMS-only target demographic. Default: 99999 |
MAX_TEXTERS_PER_CAMPAIGN | Maximum texters that can join a campaign before joining with a dynamic assignment campaign link will block the texter from joining with a message that the campaign is full. |
MOBILIZE_EVENT_SHIFTER_URL | For the texter sidebox, mobilize-event-shifter. This should be the base mobilize link for the organization, i.e.{org_name}. Can be overridden in the campaign/organization admin settings. |
MESSAGE_HANDLERS | Optional message handlers, listed in extensions/message-handlers. ngpvan required for VAN integration |
MULTI_TENANT | Set to true if instance can host more than one organization. |
NEXMO_API_KEY | Nexmo API key. Required if using Nexmo. |
NEXMO_API_SECRET | Nexmo API secret. Required if using Nexmo. |
NGP_VAN_API_KEY | API key. Generate an API key on the API Integrations section of VAN. Select Spoke or Spoke Basic API key type. Depending on a user's permission level the key may be generated automatically or need to be approved by their admin (users should contact their organization's VAN admin to request additional permissions as needed). Spoke Basic only supports writing data back into VAN, it does not have access to Export Jobs, while Spoke can export. Most users will only see Spoke but VAN clients who do not allow exports via API can request to have Spoke Basic added. Required for VAN integration. |
NGP_VAN_API_BASE_URL | Base URL for VAN API. Optional. Default: |
NGP_VAN_APP_NAME | App name for your API key. Request an API key on the API Integrations section of VAN. Required for VAN integration. |
NGP_VAN_CACHE_TTL | Time to live for VAN import metadata (i.e., saved lists) in a local cache in seconds. Optional. Default: 300 . |
NGP_VAN_EXPORT_JOB_TYPE_ID | Export job type ID. Optional. Default: 8 . |
NGP_VAN_MAXIMUM_LIST_SIZE | The maximum number of contacts to import. Spoke will ignore lists larger than this and you will not be able to select them in Spoke. Optional. Default: 75000 . |
NGP_VAN_WEBHOOK_BASE_URL | The base URL to pass to VAN for callbacks when contact exports from VAN are complete. This must be an https URL. It is probably the same URL you use to reach Spoke from a browser. Required for VAN integration. |
NO_EXTERNAL_LINKS | Removes google fonts and auth0 login script -- good for development offline when you already have an auth0 session |
NODE_ENV | Node environment type. Options: development, production. |
NOT_IN_USA | A flag to affirmatively indicate the ability to use features that are discouraged or not legally usable in the United States. Consult with an attorney about the implications for doing so. Default: false (i.e. default assumes a USA legal context) |
OPT_OUT_MESSAGE | Spoke instance-wide default for opt out message. |
OPTOUTS_SHARE_ALL_ORGS | Can be set to true if opt outs should be respected per instance and across organizations |
OUTPUT_DIR | Directory path for packaged files should be saved to. Required. |
OWNER_CONFIGURABLE | If set to ALL then organization owners will be able to configure all available options from their Settings section (otherwise only superadmins will). You can also put a comma-separated list of environment variables to white-list specific settable variables here. This gives organization owners a lot of control of internal settings, so enable at your own risk. |
PASSPORT_STRATEGY | A flag to set passport strategy to use for user authentication. The Auth0 strategy will be used if the value is an empty string or auth0 . The local strategy will be used if the value is local . |
PEOPLE_PAGE_CAMPAIGN_FILTER_SORT | The order in which to display the campaigns in the campaigns filter in People. Optional. If set, it must be one of DUE_DATE_ASC , DUE_DATE_DESC , ID_ASC , ID_DESC , TITLE . Default: ID_ASC . |
PEOPLE_PAGE_ROW_SIZES | The list of options for the number of people to show on each page in People. If set this must be an array of integers. The numbers in the array do not need to be sorted. The first number in the array will be the default page size. Default: [100, 200, 500, 1000]. |
PGSSLMODE | Postgres SSL mode. Due to a Knex bug, this environment variable must be used in order to specify the SSL mode directly in the driver. This must be set to PGSSLMODE=require to work with Heroku databases above the free tier (see Heroku Postgres & SSL). |
PHONE_NUMBER_COUNTRY | Country code for phone number formatting. Does not default to US. If left blank, phone numbers you upload must have a country code. |
PORT | Port for Heroku servers. |
REDIS_URL | This enables caching using the url option in redis library. This is an area of active development. More can be seen at server/models/cacheable_queries/README and the project board |
REVERE_SQS_URL | SQS URL to process outgoing Revere SMS Messages. |
REVERE_LIST_ID | Revere List to add user to. |
REVERE_NEW_SUBSCRIBER_MOBILE_FLOW | Revere mobile flow to trigger upon recording action. |
REVERE_MOBILE_API_KEY | Revere authentication api key to use to access Revere API. |
REVERE_API_URL | Revere api endpoint to use for triggering a mobile flow. |
ROLLBAR_CLIENT_TOKEN | Client token for Rollbar error tracking. |
ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN | Access token for Rollbar error tracking. |
ROLLBAR_ENDPOINT | Endpoint URL for Rollbar error tracking. |
SEND_AUTO_OPT_OUT_RESPONSE | Send the organization's default opt-out message if a user is auto-opted out. Alternatively, set a shouldAutoRespond property in an item for the auto opt-out regex to true, for it to only apply on those regex matches. |
SESSION_SECRET | Unique key used to encrypt sessions. Required. |
SHOW_SERVER_ERROR | Best practice is to hide errors in production for security purposes which can reveal internal database/system state (even in an open-source project where the code paths are known) |
SLACK_NOTIFY_URL | If set, then on post-install (often from deploying) a message will be posted to a slack channel's #spoke channel |
SUPPRESS_SELF_INVITE | Boolean value to prevent self-invitations. Recommend setting before making sites available to public. Default: false. |
SUPPRESS_DATABASE_AUTOCREATE | Suppress database auto-creation on first start. Mostly just used for test context |
TERMS_REQUIRE | Require texters to accept the Terms page before they can start texting. Default: false |
TEXTER_SIDEBOX_FIELDS | By default the texter UI only loads contact data used by tokens in the text messages. This variable takes a comma-separated list of contact data fields to make available for texter sideboxes irrespective of the tokens used in the messages. |
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID | Global Twilio account SID. Required if using Twilio and TWILIO_MULTI_ORG is not set. |
TWILIO_API_KEY | (Deprecated) Replaced by TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID |
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN | Global Twilio auth token. Required if using Twilio and TWILIO_MULTI_ORG is not set. |
TWILIO_BASE_CALLBACK_URL | Base URL of the server handling twilio callbacks. Required if using EXPERIMENTAL_TWILIO_PER_CAMPAIGN_MESSAGING_SERVICE |
TWILIO_MESSAGE_SERVICE_SID | Global Twilio message service ID. Required if using Twilio and TWILIO_MULTI_ORG is not set. |
TWILIO_MULTI_ORG | Boolean value to indicate if organizations can override Twilio credentials in the organization settings. Default: false. |
TWILIO_SQS_QUEUE_URL | AWS SQS URL to handle incoming messages when app isn't connected to twilio |
TWILIO_VALIDATION | Validate message report links as well -- you should enable this. It's only non-default for backwards compatibility reasons. |
TWILIO_VOICE_URL | Global Twilio voice url for phone numbers provisioned through Spoke. If not set, the default Twilio voicemail will be used. |
Enables ability to load contacts directly from a SQL query from a separate data-warehouse db -- only is_superadmin-marked users will see the interface |
WAREHOUSE_DB_LAMBDA_ITERATION | If the WAREHOUSEDB connection/feature is enabled, then on AWS Lambda, queries that take longer than 5min can expire. This will enable incrementing through queries on new lambda invocations to avoid timeouts. |
WEBPACK_HOST | Host domain or IP for Webpack development server. Default: |
WEBPACK_PORT | Port for Webpack development server. Defaut: 3000. |
ZAPIER_WEBHOOK_URL | URL where a payload of tag data will be POSTed to upon updating tags (not limited to Zapier; can be any URL) |
ZAPIER_ACTION_URL | URL where a payload of action data will be POSTed to upon an action being taken (not limited to Zapier; can be any URL) |
ZAPIER_CONFIG_OBJECT | Optional. A configuration object for zapier-action that specifies where to push payloads for specific responses/answers to questions. See HOWTO_INTEGRATE_WITH_ZAPIER for details on this object's schema and additional guidance on Zapier (and generic HTTP endpoint) integration. |
ZAPIER_TIMEOUT_MS | Optional. The timeout, in milliseconds, for POSTs made by the zapier-action to configured URLs. |