Grizzly is a general purpose browser fuzzing harness made up of multiple modules. The intention is to create a platform that can be extended by the creation of adapters and target platforms to support different fuzzers that target browsers. An adapter is used to wrap an existing fuzzer to allow it to be run via Grizzly. Adapters take the content output by fuzzers and transform it (if needed) into a format that can be served to and processed by the browser. Cross platform compatibility should be maintained for Windows, Linux and OSX. However not all features may be available.
The following modules are required:
The FuzzManager module is required to support reporting results via FM:
FFPuppet must be installed first. Steps can be found here
pip install --user -e <grizzly_repository>
$ python -m grizzly -h
[-c CACHE] [--coverage] [-e EXTENSION] [--fuzzmanager] [-h]
[--ignore IGNORE [IGNORE ...]] [-i INPUT]
[--launch-timeout LAUNCH_TIMEOUT] [--log-limit LOG_LIMIT]
[-m MEMORY] [--mime MIME] [--platform PLATFORM] [-p PREFS]
[--relaunch RELAUNCH] [--rr] [--s3-fuzzmanager]
[--soft-asserts] [-t TIMEOUT] [--tool TOOL] [--valgrind]
[-w WORKING_PATH] [--xvfb]
binary adapter
positional arguments:
binary Firefox binary to run
adapter Available adapters: <list of adapters>
optional arguments:
Space separated list of supported file extensions. ie:
html svg (default: all)
-c CACHE, --cache CACHE
Maximum number of additional test cases to include in
report (default: 0)
--coverage Enable coverage collection
Install an extension. Specify the path to the xpi or
the directory containing the unpacked extension. To
install multiple extensions specify multiple times
--fuzzmanager Report results to FuzzManager
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ignore IGNORE [IGNORE ...]
Space separated ignore list. ie: log-limit memory
timeout (default: nothing)
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Test case or directory containing test cases
--launch-timeout LAUNCH_TIMEOUT
Number of seconds to wait before LaunchError is raised
(default: 300)
--log-limit LOG_LIMIT
Log file size limit in MBs (default: 'no limit')
-m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
Browser process memory limit in MBs (default: 'no
--mime MIME Specify a mime type
--platform PLATFORM Platforms available: ffpuppet (default: ffpuppet)
-p PREFS, --prefs PREFS
prefs.js file to use
--relaunch RELAUNCH Number of iterations performed before relaunching the
browser (default: 1000)
--rr Use RR (Linux only)
--s3-fuzzmanager Report large attachments (if any) to S3 and then the
crash & S3 link to FuzzManager
--soft-asserts Detect soft assertions
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
Iteration timeout in seconds (default: 60)
--tool TOOL Override tool name used when reporting issues to
--valgrind Use Valgrind (Linux only)
-w WORKING_PATH, --working-path WORKING_PATH
Working directory. Intended to be used with ram-
drives. (default: '/tmp')
--xvfb Use Xvfb (Linux only)
Other target platforms can be defined as setuptools entry-points,
using the name "grizzly_targets". Targets must implement