Mastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood
Database-free, self-hosted Bitcoin explorer, via RPC to Bitcoin Core.
A cryptocurrency arbitrage opportunity calculator. Over 800 currencies and 50 markets.
Visualize Solidity control flow for smart contract security analysis. 💵 ⇆ 💵
This repository contains current and historical builds of the Solidity Compiler.
[DEPRECATED] Decoder and encoder for the Ethereum ABI
ERC20 Token Faucet made by
Legacy Bitcoin wallet application for Ledger devices
Reference documentation on every gas price API and all the different formats
Customisable QR codes for React Native
Building Distributed Systems with Node.js and ØMQ --- a talk for Node.js in the Wild
Core functionality for debugging Solidity files built with Truffle
Examination preparation material for Computer Science students at Trinity College Dublin.
Profile Solidity gas consumption line-wise.
Implements Bitcoin support following the Edge currency plugin API
a website with analytics on balancer pools
firoorg / insight-ui-zcoin
Forked from sn-ntu/insight-ui-zcoinA Zcoin blockchain explorer web application service for Bitcore Node Zcoin using Insight API Zcoin.
A client library to connect to Zcoin Core RPC in JavaScript.
A Zcoin full node for building applications and services with Node.js
Airbitz currency plugin for fake shitcoin server on airbitz-shitcoin-server repo
A Zcoin blockchain explorer web application service for Bitcore Node Zcoin using Insight API Zcoin.
Airbitz currency plugin for Decred