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Meet Junkie the network sniffer!

As the heart of SecurActive_ network performance monitoring application
lies a real-time packet sniffer and analyzer. Modular enough to accomplish
many different tasks, we believe this tool can be a helpful companion
to the modern network administrator and analyst, and so we decided to offer it
to the public under a liberal license so that the Open Source community can
use it, play with it, and extend it with whatever feature is deemed

Compared to previously available tools junkie lies in between tcpdump and
wireshark. Unlike tcpdump, its purpose is to parse protocols of any depth;
unlike wireshark, through, junkie is designed to analyze traffic in real-time
and so cannot parse traffic as completely as wireshark does.

In addition, junkie's design encompasses extendability and speed:

- plug-in system + high-level extension language that eases the development and
  combination of new functionalities;

- threaded packet capture and analysis for handling of high bandwidth network;

- modular architecture to ease the addition of any protocol layer;

- based on libpcap for portability;

- well tested on professional settings.

Junkie is still being maintained and extended by SecurActive dedicated team
but we believe it can be further extended to fulfill many unforeseen purposes.

.. _SecurActive:


As a realtime protocol analyzer, Junkie is limited in what protocols it 
supports and how deep it inspects packets. Here is a quick overview of the 
most blatant limitations:

- Ethernet parser supports Linux cooked capture extension (used when capturing 
  on "any" interfaces) and 802.1q vlan tags. All other Ethernet extensions are

- Http parser does not support multi-line headers.

- ARP parser knows only Ethernet and IP addresses.

- DNS parser support MDNS, NBNS and LLMNR in the extend where these protocols 
  mimic legacy DNS (with the exception that it can unscramble NetBios encoded

- FTP connection tracking merely look for PASSV or PORT commands in the TCP
  stream without much care for the actual protocol.

- TCP options are ignored.

- Postgresql parser supports only protocol version 3.0 and Mysql parser
  supports only protocol version 10.  This should cover most of the installed
  base, though.

- TNS parser (for Oracle databases) was roughly reverse engineered from
  various sources, especially the wireshark source code. It should thus not
  be expected to understand all messages in all situations.

- SIP parser implements no proprietary extensions, however prevalent.

- VoIP dialogs are identified by their call-id only, which imply that if
  the sniffer listens to various independent SIP proxys or servers then
  call-id collisions can not be ruled out (this choice was made because
  it proven useful in practice).


Protocol discovery

Given some signatures, discover some protocols (likely targets: RT(C)P, peer 
to peer...).

Netmatch language

- a type for signed integers (in a way or another - maybe the few operators 
  that really care should exist in two variants?);
- a type for byte strings (ideally a special form that build a char[] from a
  byte string such as f1:ab:01:14:00:a7;
- another special form for converting a name to an ip_addr;
- a function for matching an ip with a subnet;
- pure functions taking only constants (and thus returning a constant) should
  be precomputed;
- a random function;
- a slice operator to extract a string from another string;
- binary operators on integers (&, |, ^ and !)
- it should be correct to match with:
  '(eth (then ((ip with ...) or (arp with ...))))';
- a list of every valid fields (with a docstrings) for better error messages;
- a higher level language resembling wireshark's, with automatic insertion of
  'set?' predicates;

Conversations matching

Given a FSM (not necessarily fully connected) which edges are labelled with 
netmatch expressions, a plugin that tracks conversations.
The vertices contain some rules to be executed when the vertex is entered,
with some expression (ie possibly values from the register file) as argument.


A plugin to use the aforementioned FSM executable rules to build report to
help classify traffic;


Using the above report facility, produce netflow statistics (and stream it).


- writer www plugin must mergecap fractionned pcap files for download;
- custom objects allocator?

Parsers for:

- H323