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Compute Linked Services | Microsoft Docs
Learn about compute enviornments that you can use in Azure Data Factory pipelines to transform/process data.

Compute Linked Services

This article explains different compute environments that you can use to process or transform data. It also provides details about different configurations (on-demand vs. bring your own) supported by Data Factory when configuring linked services linking these compute environments to an Azure data factory.

The following table provides a list of compute environments supported by Data Factory and the activities that can run on them.

Compute environment activities
On-demand HDInsight cluster or your own HDInsight cluster DotNet, Hive, Pig, MapReduce, Hadoop Streaming
Azure Batch DotNet
Azure Machine Learning Machine Learning activities: Batch Execution and Update Resource
Azure Data Lake Analytics Data Lake Analytics U-SQL
Azure SQL, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, SQL Server Stored Procedure

On-demand compute environment

In this type of configuration, the computing environment is fully managed by the Azure Data Factory service. It is automatically created by the Data Factory service before a job is submitted to process data and removed when the job is completed. You can create a linked service for the on-demand compute environment, configure it, and control granular settings for job execution, cluster management, and bootstrapping actions.


The on-demand configuration is currently supported only for Azure HDInsight clusters.

Azure HDInsight On-Demand Linked Service

The Azure Data Factory service can automatically create a Windows/Linux-based on-demand HDInsight cluster to process data. The cluster is created in the same region as the storage account (linkedServiceName property in the JSON) associated with the cluster.

Note the following important points about on-demand HDInsight linked service:

  • You do not see the on-demand HDInsight cluster created in your Azure subscription. the Azure Data Factory service manages the on-demand HDInsight cluster on your behalf.
  • The logs for jobs that are run on an on-demand HDInsight cluster are copied to the storage account associated with the HDInsight cluster. You can access these logs from the Azure portal in the Activity Run Details blade. See Monitor and Manage Pipelines article for details.
  • You are charged only for the time when the HDInsight cluster is up and running jobs.


It typically takes more than 15 minutes to provision an Azure HDInsight cluster on demand.


The following JSON defines a Linux-based on-demand HDInsight linked service. The Data Factory service automatically creates a Linux-based HDInsight cluster when processing a data slice.

    "name": "HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService",
    "properties": {
        "type": "HDInsightOnDemand",
        "typeProperties": {
            "clusterSize": 4,
            "timeToLive": "00:05:00",
            "osType": "linux",
            "linkedServiceName": "StorageLinkedService"

To use a Windows-based HDInsight cluster, set osType to windows or do not use the property as the default value is: windows.


The HDInsight cluster creates a default container in the blob storage you specified in the JSON (linkedServiceName). HDInsight does not delete this container when the cluster is deleted. This behavior is by design. With on-demand HDInsight linked service, a HDInsight cluster is created every time a slice needs to be processed unless there is an existing live cluster (timeToLive) and is deleted when the processing is done.

As more slices are processed, you see many containers in your Azure blob storage. If you do not need them for troubleshooting of the jobs, you may want to delete them to reduce the storage cost. The names of these containers follow a pattern: "adfyourdatafactoryname-linkedservicename-datetimestamp". Use tools such as Microsoft Storage Explorer to delete containers in your Azure blob storage.


Property Description Required
type The type property should be set to HDInsightOnDemand. Yes
clusterSize Number of worker/data nodes in the cluster. The HDInsight cluster is created with 2 head nodes along with the number of worker nodes you specify for this property. The nodes are of size Standard_D3 that has 4 cores, so a 4 worker node cluster takes 24 cores (44 for worker nodes + 24 for head nodes). See Create Linux-based Hadoop clusters in HDInsight for details about the Standard_D3 tier. Yes
timetolive The allowed idle time for the on-demand HDInsight cluster. Specifies how long the on-demand HDInsight cluster stays alive after completion of an activity run if there are no other active jobs in the cluster.

For example, if an activity run takes 6 minutes and timetolive is set to 5 minutes, the cluster stays alive for 5 minutes after the 6 minutes of processing the activity run. If another activity run is executed with the 6 minutes window, it is processed by the same cluster.

Creating an on-demand HDInsight cluster is an expensive operation (could take a while), so use this setting as needed to improve performance of a data factory by reusing an on-demand HDInsight cluster.

If you set timetolive value to 0, the cluster is deleted as soon as the activity run in processed. On the other hand, if you set a high value, the cluster may stay idle unnecessarily resulting in high costs. Therefore, it is important that you set the appropriate value based on your needs.

Multiple pipelines can share the same instance of the on-demand HDInsight cluster if the timetolive property value is appropriately set
version Version of the HDInsight cluster. The default value is 3.1 for Windows cluster and 3.2 for Linux cluster. No
linkedServiceName Azure Storage linked service to be used by the on-demand cluster for storing and processing data. Yes
additionalLinkedServiceNames Specifies additional storage accounts for the HDInsight linked service so that the Data Factory service can register them on your behalf. No
osType Type of operating system. Allowed values are: Windows (default) and Linux No
hcatalogLinkedServiceName The name of Azure SQL linked service that point to the HCatalog database. The on-demand HDInsight cluster is created by using the Azure SQL database as the metastore. No

additionalLinkedServiceNames JSON example

"additionalLinkedServiceNames": [

Advanced Properties

You can also specify the following properties for the granular configuration of the on-demand HDInsight cluster.

Property Description Required
coreConfiguration Specifies the core configuration parameters (as in core-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster to be created. No
hBaseConfiguration Specifies the HBase configuration parameters (hbase-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster. No
hdfsConfiguration Specifies the HDFS configuration parameters (hdfs-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster. No
hiveConfiguration Specifies the hive configuration parameters (hive-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster. No
mapReduceConfiguration Specifies the MapReduce configuration parameters (mapred-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster. No
oozieConfiguration Specifies the Oozie configuration parameters (oozie-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster. No
stormConfiguration Specifies the Storm configuration parameters (storm-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster. No
yarnConfiguration Specifies the Yarn configuration parameters (yarn-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster. No

Example – On-demand HDInsight cluster configuration with advanced properties

  "name": " HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService",
  "properties": {
    "type": "HDInsightOnDemand",
    "typeProperties": {
      "clusterSize": 16,
      "timeToLive": "01:30:00",
      "linkedServiceName": "adfods1",
      "coreConfiguration": {
        "templeton.mapper.memory.mb": "5000"
      "hiveConfiguration": {
        "templeton.mapper.memory.mb": "5000"
      "mapReduceConfiguration": {
        "": "-Xmx4000m",
        "": "-Xmx4000m",
        "": "5000",
        "mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb": "5000",
        "mapreduce.job.reduce.slowstart.completedmaps": "0.8"
      "yarnConfiguration": {
        "": "5000",
        "": "5000"
      "additionalLinkedServiceNames": [

Node sizes

You can specify the sizes of head, data, and zookeeper nodes using the following properties:

Property Description Required
headNodeSize Specifies the size of the head node. The default value is: Standard_D3. See the Specifying node sizes section below for details. No
dataNodeSize Specifies the size of the data node. The default value is: Standard_D3. No
zookeeperNodeSize Specifies the size of the Zoo Keeper node. The default value is: Standard_D3. No

Specifying node sizes

See the Sizes of Virtual Machines article for string values you need to specify for the above properties. The values need to conform to the CMDLETs & APIS referenced in the article. As you can see in the article, the data node of Large (default) size has 7 GB memory, which may not be good enough for your scenario.

If you want to create D4 sized head nodes and worker nodes, you need to specify Standard_D4 as the value for headNodeSize and dataNodeSize properties.

"headNodeSize": "Standard_D4",    
"dataNodeSize": "Standard_D4",

If you specify a wrong value for these properties, you may receive the following error: Failed to create cluster. Exception: Unable to complete the cluster create operation. Operation failed with code '400'. Cluster left behind state: 'Error'. Message: 'PreClusterCreationValidationFailure'. When you receive this error, ensure that you are using the CMDLET & APIS name from the table in the above article.

Bring your own compute environment

In this type of configuration, users can register an already existing computing environment as a linked service in Data Factory. The computing environment is managed by the user and the Data Factory service uses it to execute the activities.

This type of configuration is supported for the following compute environments:

  • Azure HDInsight
  • Azure Batch
  • Azure Machine Learning.

Azure HDInsight Linked Service

You can create an Azure HDInsight linked service to register your own HDInsight cluster with Data Factory.


  "name": "HDInsightLinkedService",
  "properties": {
    "type": "HDInsight",
    "typeProperties": {
      "clusterUri": " https://<hdinsightclustername>",
      "userName": "admin",
      "password": "<password>",
      "linkedServiceName": "MyHDInsightStoragelinkedService"


Property Description Required
type The type property should be set to HDInsight. Yes
clusterUri The URI of the HDInsight cluster. Yes
username Specify the name of the user to be used to connect to an existing HDInsight cluster. Yes
password Specify password for the user account. Yes
linkedServiceName Name of the linked service for the blob storage used by this HDInsight cluster. Yes

Azure Batch Linked Service

You can create an Azure Batch linked service to register a Batch pool of virtual machines (VMs) to a data factory. You can run .NET custom activities using either Azure Batch or Azure HDInsight.

See following topics if you are new to Azure Batch service:


  "name": "AzureBatchLinkedService",
  "properties": {
    "type": "AzureBatch",
    "typeProperties": {
      "accountName": "<Azure Batch account name>",
      "accessKey": "<Azure Batch account key>",
      "poolName": "<Azure Batch pool name>",
      "linkedServiceName": "<Specify associated storage linked service reference here>"

Append ".<region name" to the name of your batch account for the accountName property. Example:

        "accountName": "mybatchaccount.eastus"

Another option is to provide the batchUri endpoint as shown below.

        "accountName": "adfteam",
        "batchUri": "",


Property Description Required
type The type property should be set to AzureBatch. Yes
accountName Name of the Azure Batch account. Yes
accessKey Access key for the Azure Batch account. Yes
poolName Name of the pool of virtual machines. Yes
linkedServiceName Name of the Azure Storage linked service associated with this Azure Batch linked service. This linked service is used for staging files required to run the activity and storing the activity execution logs. Yes

Azure Machine Learning Linked Service

You create an Azure Machine Learning linked service to register a Machine Learning batch scoring endpoint to a data factory.


  "name": "AzureMLLinkedService",
  "properties": {
    "type": "AzureML",
    "typeProperties": {
      "mlEndpoint": "https://[batch scoring endpoint]/jobs",
      "apiKey": "<apikey>"


Property Description Required
Type The type property should be set to: AzureML. Yes
mlEndpoint The batch scoring URL. Yes
apiKey The published workspace model’s API. Yes

Azure Data Lake Analytics Linked Service

You create an Azure Data Lake Analytics linked service to link an Azure Data Lake Analytics compute service to an Azure data factory before using the Data Lake Analytics U-SQL activity in a pipeline.

The following example provides JSON definition for an Azure Data Lake Analytics linked service.

    "name": "AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService",
    "properties": {
        "type": "AzureDataLakeAnalytics",
        "typeProperties": {
            "accountName": "adftestaccount",
            "dataLakeAnalyticsUri": "",
            "authorization": "<authcode>",
            "sessionId": "<session ID>",
            "subscriptionId": "<subscription id>",
            "resourceGroupName": "<resource group name>"

The following table provides descriptions for the properties used in the JSON definition.

Property Description Required
Type The type property should be set to: AzureDataLakeAnalytics. Yes
accountName Azure Data Lake Analytics Account Name. Yes
dataLakeAnalyticsUri Azure Data Lake Analytics URI. No
authorization Authorization code is automatically retrieved after clicking Authorize button in the Data Factory Editor and completing the OAuth login. Yes
subscriptionId Azure subscription id No (If not specified, subscription of the data factory is used).
resourceGroupName Azure resource group name No (If not specified, resource group of the data factory is used).
sessionId session id from the OAuth authorization session. Each session id is unique and may only be used once. This is auto-generated in the Data Factory Editor. Yes

The authorization code you generated by using the Authorize button expires after sometime. See the following table for the expiration times for different types of user accounts. You may see the following error message when the authentication token expires: Credential operation error: invalid_grant - AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS70008: The provided access grant is expired or revoked. Trace ID: d18629e8-af88-43c5-88e3-d8419eb1fca1 Correlation ID: fac30a0c-6be6-4e02-8d69-a776d2ffefd7 Timestamp: 2015-12-15 21:09:31Z

User type Expires after
User accounts NOT managed by Azure Active Directory (,, etc.) 12 hours
Users accounts managed by Azure Active Directory (AAD) 14 days after the last slice run.

90 days, if a slice based on OAuth-based linked service runs at least once every 14 days.

To avoid/resolve this error, you need to reauthorize using the Authorize button when the token expires and redeploy the linked service. You can also generate values for sessionId and authorization properties programmatically using code in the following section.

To programmatically generate sessionId and authorization values

The following code generates sessionId and authorization values.

if (linkedService.Properties.TypeProperties is AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService ||
    linkedService.Properties.TypeProperties is AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService)
    AuthorizationSessionGetResponse authorizationSession = this.Client.OAuth.Get(this.ResourceGroupName, this.DataFactoryName, linkedService.Properties.Type);

    WindowsFormsWebAuthenticationDialog authenticationDialog = new WindowsFormsWebAuthenticationDialog(null);
    string authorization = authenticationDialog.AuthenticateAAD(authorizationSession.AuthorizationSession.Endpoint, new Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"));

    AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService azureDataLakeStoreProperties = linkedService.Properties.TypeProperties as AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService;
    if (azureDataLakeStoreProperties != null)
        azureDataLakeStoreProperties.SessionId = authorizationSession.AuthorizationSession.SessionId;
        azureDataLakeStoreProperties.Authorization = authorization;

    AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService azureDataLakeAnalyticsProperties = linkedService.Properties.TypeProperties as AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService;
    if (azureDataLakeAnalyticsProperties != null)
        azureDataLakeAnalyticsProperties.SessionId = authorizationSession.AuthorizationSession.SessionId;
        azureDataLakeAnalyticsProperties.Authorization = authorization;

See AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService Class, AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService Class, and AuthorizationSessionGetResponse Class topics for details about the Data Factory classes used in the code. You need to add a reference to: Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll for the WindowsFormsWebAuthenticationDialog class.

Azure SQL Linked Service

You create an Azure SQL linked service and use it with the Stored Procedure Activity to invoke a stored procedure from a Data Factory pipeline. See Azure SQL Connector article for details about this linked service.

Azure SQL Data Warehouse Linked Service

You create an Azure SQL Data Warehouse linked service and use it with the Stored Procedure Activity to invoke a stored procedure from a Data Factory pipeline. See Azure SQL Data Warehouse Connector article for details about this linked service.

SQL Server Linked Service

You create a SQL Server linked service and use it with the Stored Procedure Activity to invoke a stored procedure from a Data Factory pipeline. See SQL Server connector article for details about this linked service.