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Create Windows-based Hadoop clusters in HDInsight using Azure CLI
Learn how to create clusters for Azure HDInsight by using Azure CLI.

Create Windows-based Hadoop clusters in HDInsight using Azure CLI

[!INCLUDE selector]

Learn how to create HDInsight clusters using Azure CLI. For other cluster creation tools and features click the tab select on the top of this page or see Cluster creation methods.


[!INCLUDE delete-cluster-warning]

Before you begin the instructions in this article, you must have the following:

Access control requirements

[!INCLUDE access-control]

Connect to Azure

Use the following command to connect to Azure:

azure login

For more information on authenticating using a work or school account, see Connect to an Azure subscription from the Azure CLI.

Use the following command to switch to the ARM mode:

azure config mode arm

To get help, use the -h switch. For example:

azure hdinsight cluster create -h

Create clusters

You must have a Azure Resource Management (ARM), and a Azure Blob storage account before you can create an HDInsight cluster. To create an HDInsight cluster, you must specify the following:

  • Azure Resource Group: A Data Lake Analytics account must be created within a Azure Resource group. Azure Resource Manager enables you to work with the resources in your application as a group. You can deploy, update or delete all of the resources for your application in a single, coordinated operation.

    To list the resource groups in your subscription:

      azure group list

    To create a new resource group:

      azure group create -n "<Resource Group Name>" -l "<Azure Location>"
  • HDInsight cluster name

  • Location: One of the Azure data centers that supports HDInsight clusters. For a list of supported locations, see HDInsight pricing.

  • Default storage account: HDInsight uses an Azure Blob storage container as the default file system. An Azure Storage account is required before you can create an HDInsight cluster.

    To create a new Azure storage account:

      azure storage account create "<Azure Storage Account Name>" -g "<Resource Group Name>" -l "<Azure Location>" --type LRS

    [!NOTE] The Storage account must be collocated with HDInsight in the data center. The storage account type can't be ZRS, because ZRS doesn't support table.

    For information on creating an Azure Storage account by using the Azure Portal, see [Create, manage, or delete a Storage account][azure-create-storageaccount].

    If you already have a Storage account but do not know the account name and account key, you can use the following commands to retrieve the information:

      -- Lists Storage accounts
      azure storage account list
      -- Shows a Storage account
      azure storage account show "<Storage Account Name>"
      -- Lists the keys for a Storage account
      azure storage account keys list "<Storage Account Name>" -g "<Resource Group Name>"

    For details on getting the information by using the Azure Portal, see the "Manage your storage account" section of About Azure storage accounts.

  • (Optional) Default Blob container: The azure hdinsight cluster create command creates the container if it doesn't exist. If you choose to create the container beforehand, you can use the following command:

    azure storage container create --account-name "" --account-key [ContainerName]

Once you have the Storage account prepared, you are ready to create a cluster:

azure hdinsight cluster create -g <Resource Group Name> -c <HDInsight Cluster Name> -l <Location> --osType <Windows | Linux> --version <Cluster Version> --clusterType <Hadoop | HBase | Spark | Storm> --workerNodeCount 2 --headNodeSize Large --workerNodeSize Large --defaultStorageAccountName <Azure Storage Account Name> --defaultStorageAccountKey "<Default Storage Account Key>" --defaultStorageContainer <Default Blob Storage Container> --userName admin --password "<HTTP User Password>" --rdpUserName <RDP Username> --rdpPassword "<RDP User Password" --rdpAccessExpiry "03/01/2016"

Create clusters using configuration files

Typically, you create an HDInsight cluster, run jobs on it, and then delete the cluster to cut down the cost. The command-line interface gives you the option to save the configurations into a file, so that you can reuse it every time you create a cluster.

azure hdinsight config create [options ] <Config File Path> <overwirte>
azure hdinsight config add-config-values [options] <Config File Path>
azure hdinsight config add-script-action [options] <Config File Path>

Example: Create a configuration file that contains a script action to run when creating a cluster.

azure hdinsight config create "C:\myFiles\configFile.config"
azure hdinsight config add-script-action --configFilePath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config" --nodeType HeadNode --uri <Script Action URI> --name myScriptAction --parameters "-param value"
azure hdinsight cluster create --configurationPath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config"

Create clusters with script action

Create a configuration file that contains a script action to run when creating a cluster.

azure hdinsight config create "C:\myFiles\configFile.config"
azure hdinsight config add-script-action --configFilePath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config" --nodeType HeadNode --uri <scriptActionURI> --name myScriptAction --parameters "-param value"

Create a cluster with a script action

azure hdinsight cluster create -g myarmgroup01 -l westus -y Windows --clusterType Hadoop --version 3.2 --defaultStorageAccountName mystorageaccount --defaultStorageAccountKey <defaultStorageAccountKey> --defaultStorageContainer mycontainer --userName admin --password <clusterPassword> --sshUserName sshuser --sshPassword <sshPassword> --workerNodeCount 1 –configurationPath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config" myNewCluster01

For general script action information, see Customize HDInsight clusters using Script Action (Linux).

Create clusters using ARM templates

You can use CLI to create clusters by calling ARM templates. See Deploy with Azure CLI.

See also