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Create Windows-based Hadoop clusters in HDInsight using .NET SDK | Microsoft Docs
Learn how to create HDInsight clusters for Azure HDInsight using .NET SDK.

Create Windows-based Hadoop clusters in HDInsight using .NET SDK

[!INCLUDE selector]

Learn how to create HDInsight clusters using .NET SDK. For other cluster creation tools and features click the tab select on the top of this page or see Cluster creation methods.


[!INCLUDE delete-cluster-warning]

Before you begin the instructions in this article, you must have the following:

Access control requirements

[!INCLUDE access-control]

Create clusters

The HDInsight .NET SDK provides .NET client libraries that make it easier to work with HDInsight from a .NET Framework application. Follow the instructions below to create a Visual Studio console application and paste the code for creating a cluster.

The application requires an Azure resource group, and the default storage account. The Appendix A provides a PowerShell script to create the dependent components.

To create a Visual Studio console application

  1. Create a new C# console application in Visual Studio.

  2. Run the following Nuget command in the Nuget Package Management console.

     Install-Package Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.Authentication -Pre
     Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager -Pre
     Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight
  3. From Solution Explorer, double-click Program.cs to open it, paste the following code, and provide values for the variables:

     using System;
     using System.Threading;
     using System.Threading.Tasks;
     using Microsoft.Rest;
     using Microsoft.Rest.Azure.Authentication;
     using Microsoft.Azure;
     using Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight;
     using Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight.Models;
     using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager;
     using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
     using System.Net.Http;
     namespace CreateHDInsightCluster
         class Program
             // The client for managing HDInsight
             private static HDInsightManagementClient _hdiManagementClient;
             // Replace with your AAD tenant ID if necessary
             private const string TenantId = UserTokenProvider.CommonTenantId; 
             private const string SubscriptionId = "<Your Azure Subscription ID>";
             // This is the GUID for the PowerShell client. Used for interactive logins in this example.
             private const string ClientId = "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2";
             private const string ExistingResourceGroupName = "<Azure Resource Group Name>";
             private const string ExistingStorageName = "<Default Storage Account Name>";
             private const string ExistingStorageKey = "<Default Storage Account Key>";
             private const string ExistingBlobContainer = "<Default Blob Container Name>";
             private const string NewClusterName = "<HDInsight Cluster Name>";
             private const int NewClusterNumWorkerNodes = 2;
             private const string NewClusterLocation = "EAST US 2";     // Must be the same as the default Storage account
             private const OSType NewClusterOsType = OSType.Windows;
             private const string NewClusterType = "Hadoop";
             private const string NewClusterVersion = "3.2";
             private const string NewClusterUsername = "admin";
             private const string NewClusterPassword = "<HTTP User password>";
             static void Main(string[] args)
                 System.Console.WriteLine("Creating a cluster.  The process takes 10 to 20 minutes ...");
                 // Authenticate and get a token
                 var authToken = Authenticate(TenantId, ClientId, SubscriptionId);
                 // Flag subscription for HDInsight, if it isn't already.
                 // Get an HDInsight management client
                 _hdiManagementClient = new HDInsightManagementClient(authToken);
                 // Set parameters for the new cluster
                 var parameters = new ClusterCreateParameters
                     ClusterSizeInNodes = NewClusterNumWorkerNodes,
                     UserName = NewClusterUsername,
                     Password = NewClusterPassword,
                     Location = NewClusterLocation,
                     DefaultStorageAccountName = ExistingStorageName,
                     DefaultStorageAccountKey = ExistingStorageKey,
                     DefaultStorageContainer = ExistingBlobContainer,
                     ClusterType = NewClusterType,
                     OSType = NewClusterOsType
                 // Create the cluster
                 _hdiManagementClient.Clusters.Create(ExistingResourceGroupName, NewClusterName, parameters);
                 System.Console.WriteLine("The cluster has been created. Press ENTER to continue ...");
             /// <summary>
             /// Authenticate to an Azure subscription and retrieve an authentication token
             /// </summary>
             /// <param name="TenantId">The AAD tenant ID</param>
             /// <param name="ClientId">The AAD client ID</param>
             /// <param name="SubscriptionId">The Azure subscription ID</param>
             /// <returns></returns>
             static TokenCloudCredentials Authenticate(string TenantId, string ClientId, string SubscriptionId)
                 var authContext = new AuthenticationContext("" + TenantId);
                 var tokenAuthResult = authContext.AcquireToken("", 
                     new Uri("urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"), 
                 return new TokenCloudCredentials(SubscriptionId, tokenAuthResult.AccessToken);
             /// <summary>
             /// Marks your subscription as one that can use HDInsight, if it has not already been marked as such.
             /// </summary>
             /// <remarks>This is essentially a one-time action; if you have already done something with HDInsight
             /// on your subscription, then this isn't needed at all and will do nothing.</remarks>
             /// <param name="authToken">An authentication token for your Azure subscription</param>
             static void EnableHDInsight(TokenCloudCredentials authToken)
                 // Create a client for the Resource manager and set the subscription ID
                 var resourceManagementClient = new ResourceManagementClient(new TokenCredentials(authToken.Token));
                 resourceManagementClient.SubscriptionId = SubscriptionId;
                 // Register the HDInsight provider
                 var rpResult = resourceManagementClient.Providers.Register("Microsoft.HDInsight");
  4. Press F5 to run the application. A console window should open and display the status of the application. You will also be prompted to enter your Azure account credentials. It can take several minutes to create an HDInsight cluster.

Next steps

In this article, you have learned several ways to create an HDInsight cluster. To learn more, see the following articles:

Appx-A Create dependent components

The following Azure PowerShell script can be use to create the dependent components needed by the .NET application in this tutorial.

[!INCLUDE upgrade-powershell]

# Set these variables
#region - used for creating Azure service names
$nameToken = "<Enter an Alias>" 

# Service names and varialbes
#region - service names
$namePrefix = $nameToken.ToLower() + (Get-Date -Format "MMdd")

$resourceGroupName = $namePrefix + "rg"
$hdinsightClusterName = $namePrefix + "hdi"
$defaultStorageAccountName = $namePrefix + "store"
$defaultBlobContainerName = $hdinsightClusterName

$location = "East US 2"

# Treat all errors as terminating
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

# Connect to Azure
#region - Connect to Azure subscription
Write-Host "`nConnecting to your Azure subscription ..." -ForegroundColor Green

#region - Create an HDInsight cluster
# Create dependent components
Write-Host "Creating a resource group ..." -ForegroundColor Green
New-AzureRmResourceGroup `
    -Name  $resourceGroupName `
    -Location $location

Write-Host "Creating the default storage account and default blob container ..."  -ForegroundColor Green
New-AzureRmStorageAccount `
    -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -Name $defaultStorageAccountName `
    -Location $location `
    -Type Standard_GRS

$defaultStorageAccountKey = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey `
                                -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
                                -Name $defaultStorageAccountName)[0].Value
$defaultStorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext `
                                -StorageAccountName $defaultStorageAccountName `
                                -StorageAccountKey $defaultStorageAccountKey
New-AzureStorageContainer `
    -Name $defaultBlobContainerName `
    -Context $defaultStorageContext #use the cluster name as the container name

Write-Host "Use the following names in your .NET application" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-host "Resource Group Name: $resourceGroupName"
Write-host "Default Storage Account Name: $defaultStorageAccountName"
Write-host "Default Storage Account Key: $defaultStorageAccountKey"
Write-host "Default Blob Container Name: $defaultBlobContainerName"