This folder contains everything to run the Flipper 'Desktop', that is, the UI which you use to interact with the device / app under debug.
- flipper-common: utilities & types shared between client, server, and plugins
- flipper-server: All device & client management goes in here. Basically flipper's backend. Can be connected to over websockets. Also, it can serve a browser version of the UI as well.
- flipper-ui: all UI goes in here
- flipper-dump: (might remove later) as an alternative way to test flipper-server.
- flipper-plugin: The flipper SDK used by plugins. Exposes all API's that can be used by plugins
- pkg: CLI tool to manage building flipper plugins
- pkg-lib
- plugin-lib
- babel-transformer
- doctor
- eslint-plugin-flipper
- flipper-ui (served by webserver)
- plugins (prebundled)
- plugins (installable)?
- flipper-server