This is the primary process simulator. it reads the SCL substation section and based on the conducting-equipment and terminal elements a netlist is generated. Logicalnode declarations in this SCL section are used to understand how the primary process is connected to the ieds. This allows actuators and measurements to be connected to the respective logical node in the ieds using a basic TCP protocol. The simulation initiates the connection, and upon failure the data is ignored.
The submodels are defined in the models subdirectory. The name should match the conductingequipment name in the substation section of the scd.
Navigate to the docker-file
$ cd ..
build the container
$ sudo docker build -f Dockerfile.circuit_simulator --tag simulator .
run the container
$ sudo docker run --rm -p 5010:5010 simulator
and browse to
$ sudo apt install gcc, bison, flex, libtool, autoconf, automake, libreadline-dev
download ngspice-30 from and cd into directory
in > Replace --with-x by --with-ngshared in line ../configure ... .
$ chmod 700
$ sudo ./ 64
$ sudo ldconfig
$ cd ../circuit_simulator
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3
and browse to