As the mixin
-plugin is basically the most important as it provides any special key that is not part of the inline style standard (such as pseudo classes, media queries, or stateful conditions) this will bring some detail information of all existing mixins.
.Mixins can be nested multiple times to achieve e.g. :focus:hover
- Pseudo classes
- Media queries
- Platform queries
- Stateful Conditions
- Extract CSS
- Extend
- Pseudo to CSS (polyfill)
box: {
color: 'blue',
':hover': {
color: 'red'
Pseudo classes use a common syntax as it would be in CSS. They always start with a doublepoint.
Look currently supports 30 pseudo classes. Some might be added soon. Check the following list for all supported / unsupported.
Most pseudo classes get validated within the render
process, while some need extra event listeners applied such as :focus
, :hover
and :active
- first-child
- last-child
- nth-child*(an+b)*
- nth-last-child*(an+b)*
- only-child
- first-of-type
- last-of-type
- nth-of-type*(an+b)*
- nth-last-of-type*(an+b)*
- only-of-type
- empty
- first-letter
- blank
- contains(string) - Styles get applied if the element contains the
. - substr(regex) - Used to style only a substr e.g.
would only color numbers.
- hover
- active
- focus
- checked
- enabled / disabled
- read-only / read-write
- required / optional
- indeterminate
- target
- before / after
- lang*(language)*
At least by now the following pseudo classes are yet unsupported.
Note that they might get implemented later.
Polyfill: See the Pseudo to CSS mixin which let's you even use those.
- link
- visited
- not*(Element)*
- dir*(dir)*
- fullscreen
- first-line
- drop
- past
- current
- future
- placeholder-shown
- any-link
- user-error
- nth-column*(an+b)*
- nth-last-column*(an+b)*
- focus-within
- left / right
- root
- scope
box: {
color: 'blue',
'@media (min-width: 800px)': {
color: 'red'
Media queries are only supported in the browser (react-look/dom
) as they depend on window.matchMedia
By default Look uses window.matchMedia
to validate media queries. Though some browser don't support matchMedia. You may need a polyfill. Please read on for more information.
By now there is no "perfect" way to validate media queries on server-side without performance loss (initial request to get client dimensions) or without a chance to missmatch the size (e.g. validation e.g. the userAgent
Therefore a plugin will be provided soon that converts every media query to a CSSRule and adds that to the global StyleSheet Look uses. (Should only be used on initial render)
box: {
fontSize: 20,
'@platform ios': {
color: 'blue'
'@platform android': {
color: 'red'
Platform queries are only supported if a valid userAgent is provided. By default the media query plugin uses the navigator.userAgent
. You may pass a custom userAgent within the config
Platform queries are based on the browser information provided by every instance of inline-style-prefixer as prefixer._browserInfo
which is actually detected by bowser. You can query any flag
bowser sets, but there's no guarantee that they get set properly.
- webkit
- gecko
- chrome
- firefox
- msie
- msedge
- opera
- phantom
- safari
- seamonkey
- silk
- android
- ios
- mac
- windows
- linux
- chromeos
- bada
- tizen
- sailfish
- webos
- firefoxos
- blackberry
- windowsphone
- iphone
- ipad
- ipod
- touchpad
- mobile
- tablet
box: {
color: 'blue',
'status=active': {
color: 'red'
'clicks>=20': {
color: 'yellow'
A shortcut to specify state-specific styles.
It supports 6 different operators: >=
, <=
, !=
, =
, >
and <
This improves readability since you won't need to use expressions like this: style={[, &&]}
It also helps to keep some kind of separation of concerns since you have all your styles compact in one place.
There are several states which are quite common to style a component state-specific. We call such states style-state since its only purpose is to validate component styling which is UI-only.
Note: Avoid using stateful conditions with other than style-states since this would destroy semantics.
Looks takes Component.props
, Component.state
and Component.context
to check if there is a key that matches the condition. e.g. status=active
gets validated with Component.props['status'] === 'active'
You can even use dot-notation to adress deeper nested props and state. e.g.
box: {
color: 'blue',
// e.g. if you still want to use bootstrap
css: 'row col-xs-4'
Define CSS classes that get additionally added to the Component without having to add those as className=''
in addition to the look styles.
const extendStyles = {
backgroundColor: 'red'
box: {
color: 'blue',
// single
extend: extendStyles
// multiple (array)
extend: [extendStyles, {fontSize: 20}]
Lets you extend your styles with other styles. The idea was taken from Sass' @extend
and works basically all the same.
Extending also supports conditioned extend which is achieved by passing both a condition
as well a styles
box: {
color: 'blue',
extend: {
// any condition
condition: true === true,
// either a single style object or multiple (array)
styles: extendStyles
If you are already using ECMAScript 2015 which I highly recommend, you do not need the extend-plugin except if you need the conditioned one.
Just use the new spread operator ...
// preceding to be used as a base
box: {
color: 'blue'
// or subsequent which perhaps overwrites other styles
container: {
color: 'blue',
NOTE: This is only a polyfill and might be removed if there's a better solution to the problem.
import Look, { StyleSheet } from 'react-look/dom'
import { Mixins } from 'react-look/addons'
const Input = () => (
<input look={styles} placeholder='red placeholder'/>
const styles = StyleSheet.create(Input, {
color: 'blue',
'::-webkit-input-placeholder': {
color: 'red'
Input = Look(Input, {
mixins: {
'::-webkit-input-placeholder': Mixins.pseudoToCSS
Some pseudo classes can not be achieved with pure javascript. Such as placeholder
, scrollbar
or even visted
pseudo classes. You can use any valid pseudo class by assigning the pseudoToCSS
-mixin to the exact key within your configuration.
Look creates a new CSSRule with the used pseudo class applied and use the Extract CSS-mixin to add the className
to the Component.
NOTE: Look does not automatically prefix those pseudo classes so in order to color e.g. the placeholder you need to add nothing but
. Otherwise React will throw an unrecognized style property error.