- archive - A Job that is capable of taking a snapshot of the state of it's child jobs.
- archive-browser - Browse archives previously create with an archive.
- bean - Create an Object of the given class.
- bean-report - Create a simple listing of the properties of beans.
- cascade - A job which triggers the next job after the previous one completes.
- check - Checks a value for certain criteria.
- copy - A Copy job.
- delete - Delete a file or directory, or files and directories.
- depends - This job is deprecated, use run instead.
- echo - Echo text to the console.
- exec - Execute an external program.
- exists - Test if a file exists.
- explorer - A container that allows multiple org.oddjob.monitor.OddjobExplorers to run.
- file-watch - Provide a service for subscribers to watch a file system for Files existing, being created or being modified.
- folder - Holds a collection of jobs but does not execute them.
- foreach - A job which executes its child jobs for each of the provided values.
- grab - Grab work to do.
- grep - Search files or an input stream for lines containing a text value or matches for a regular expression.
- input - Ask for input from the user.
- invoke - Invoke a java method or script snippet.
- is - Create an Object that is the class of the property.
- java - Execute a Java Program in a separate process.
- launch - Launch an application via it's main method.
- mkdir - Make a directory, including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories.
- oddjob - The starting point for a hierarchy of jobs.
- parallel - A job which executes it's child jobs in parallel.
- properties - Creates properties that can used to configure other jobs.
- rename - Rename a file or directory.
- repeat - This job will repeatedly run its child job.
- reset - A job which resets another job.
- rmireg - A job which creates an RMI registry.
- run - A job which runs another job.
- script - Execute a script.
- sequence - Provide a sequence number which is incremented each time the job is executed.
- sequential - Executes it's children in a sequence one after the other.
- services - Allows objects to be registered that will automatically be injected into subsequent components that are configured for automatic dependency injection.
- set - A job which sets properties in other jobs when it executes.
- sql - Runs one or more SQL statements.
- sql-keeper-service - Provides a org.oddjob.scheduling.Keeper that uses a database table.
- sql-persister-service - Persists job state to a database.
- start - This job will run another job.
- stop - A job which stops another job.
- switch - Switch Based on a predicate.
- task-request - This job requests a task be performed with optional properties.
- task-service - Provide a very simple task execution service.
- variables - This job provides a 'variables' like declaration within Oddjob.
- wait - This Job will either wait a given number of milliseconds or will wait for a property or job to become available.
- bus:bus - Links components in a data pipeline.
- bus:collect - A component that collects beans in a list.
- bus:driver - Drives data from an iterable (such as a list) through a Bean Bus.
- bus:filter - Filter out beans passing through the bus according to an
. - bus:limit - Only allow a certain number of beans passed.
- bus:map - Apply a java.util.function.Function to beans in a Bean Bus.
- bus:queue - A Queue for beans.
- events:for - An Event Source For a variable set of child Event Sources.
- events:list - An event source that aggregates a list of child event sources.
- events:trigger - Trigger on an event.
- events:watch - Provides a component wrapper around a value type event source such as state:watch.
- events:when - Runs a job when triggered by the arrival of an event.
- jmx:client - Connect to an Oddjob jmx:server.
- jmx:server - A service which allows a job hierarchy to be monitored and managed remotely using a jmx:client.
- jmx:service - Expose a JMX Server so that Oddjob jobs can interact with it.
- scheduling:retry - This is a timer that runs it's job according to the schedule until the schedule expires or the job completes successfully.
- scheduling:timer - Provides a simple timer for periodic or once only execution of the child job.
- scheduling:trigger - A trigger runs its job when the job being triggered on enters the state specified.
- state:and - A job who's return state is a logical AND of the child states.
- state:cascade - The namespace version this job is deprecated.
- state:equals - Runs it's child job and then compares the state of the child job to the given state.
- state:evaluate - Evaluate a state expression and become COMPLETE if it is true or INCOMPLETE otherwise.
- state:flag - When run it's state becomes the given state.
- state:if - This job implements an if/then/else logic based on job state.
- state:join - Waits for a COMPLETE state from it's child job before allowing the thread of execution to continue.
- state:mirror - When run this job mirrors the state of the given job.
- state:or - A job who's return state is a logical OR of the child states.
- state:resets - Captures Reset actions propagating down a job tree and either hardens soft resets to hard resets or softens hard resets to soft resets before passing them on to the child job.
- append - Specify a file for appending to.
- bean - Create an Object of the given class.
- buffer - A buffer can be used to accumulate output from one or more jobs which can then be used as input to another job.
- class - Returns a Class for the given name.
- comparison - Provides a Predicate from simple checks.
- connection - Definition for a Database connection.
- convert - Convert a value to the given Java Class.
- date - Define a Date.
- file - Specify a file.
- file-persister - Persist and load jobs from and to a file.
- files - Specify files using a wild card pattern, or a a list.
- format - A type which can either format a number or a date into the given text format.
- identify - Register a value with an Id.
- import - Import XML which is processed as if it's in-line.
- inline - A type that provides configuration.
- input-confirm - A request for a yes/no confirmation.
- input-file - A request for a file or directory.
- input-message - A Message with a prompt to continue.
- input-password - An input request for a password.
- input-text - A request for a simple line of input.
- invoke - Invoke a java method or script snippet, or JMX operation.
- is - Create an Object that is the class of the property.
- list - A list provides a way of setting properties that are either java.util.List types or arrays.
- logout - Provide an output to a logger.
- magic-class - Definition for a Magic Bean, which is a bean that can be defined dynamically.
- map - A map allows a map of strings to values to be created.
- oddballs - Create Oddjob job definition descriptors from any number of directories that follow the Oddball format.
- properties - A type that evaluates to a java Properties object.
- resource - Specify a resource on the class path.
- schedule - Applies a schedule to a given date to provide a calculated date.
- sequence - A sequence.
- sql-results-bean - Captures SQL results in a bean that has properties to provide those results to other jobs.
- sql-results-sheet - Writes SQL results to an output stream.
- stderr - Provide an output to the stderr stream of the console.
- stdin - Provide an output to the console.
- stdout - Provide an output to stdout stream of the console.
- tee - Split output to multiple other outputs.
- throttle - Throttle parallel execution.
- tokenizer - Tokenizes text.
- url-class-loader - A simple wrapper for URLClassloader.
- value - A simple value.
- xml - A type that converts it's XML contents into a String.
- arooa:annotation - Create a synthetic annotation for a method.
- arooa:bean-def - Provide an element to class name mapping for a java bean.
- arooa:configuration - Provide Configuration in XML format.
- arooa:conversion - Provide a Bean for use in an arooa:descriptor that provides conversions.
- arooa:descriptor - A definition of an Arooa descriptor.
- arooa:descriptors - An Arooa Descriptor Factory that is a container for a collection of other descriptors.
- arooa:magic-beans - Define Magic Beans.
- arooa:property - Provide a definition for a property within an arooa:bean-def.
- design:form - A form for designing a component.
- design:group - A group of form items.
- design:indexed - A Form Item for an indexed property.
- design:mapped - A form item for a mapped property.
- design:radio - A radio button selection of form items.
- design:single - Form item for a property set from a selection of values.
- design:tabs - A group of tabs.
- design:text - A text field.
- design:textarea - A text area for a text property.
- events:file - Watch for a file and fire an event if/when it exists.
- jmx:client-credentials - Provide a JMX simple security credentials environment for a jmx:client.
- jmx:server-security - Provide a JMX simple security environment for a jmx:server.
- schedules:after - Schedule something after the given schedule.
- schedules:broken - This schedule allows a normal schedule to be broken by the results of another schedule.
- schedules:count - This schedule returns up to count number of child schedules.
- schedules:daily - A schedule for each day at, or from a given time.
- schedules:date - Provide a schedule for a specific date or define an interval between two dates.
- schedules:day-after - A schedule that returns the day after when it's parent schedule is due.
- schedules:day-before - A schedule that returns the day before when it's parent schedule is due.
- schedules:interval - This schedule returns an interval from the given time to the interval time later.
- schedules:last - This schedule will return it's last due nested schedule within the given parent interval.
- schedules:list - Provide a schedule based on a list of schedules.
- schedules:monthly - A schedule for monthly intervals.
- schedules:now - Schedule something now.
- schedules:time - Provide a schedule for an interval of time.
- schedules:weekly - A schedule for weekly intervals specified by days of the week.
- schedules:yearly - A schedule for a range of months, or a month.
- state:watch - Evaluate a state expression that becomes an event source for triggering other jobs.
(c) R Gordon Ltd 2005 - Present