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"size": 0,
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"query": "let data = SecurityAlert\r\n| where AlertType startswith "KV_"\r\n| where SystemAlertId == '{SelectedAlertId}';\r\nlet nodes = data\r\n| project Id = SystemAlertId, Name = DisplayName, Size = 1, Kind = 'alert'\r\n| union (\r\ndata \r\n| project parse_json(Entities), SystemAlertId\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| evaluate bag_unpack(Entities)\r\n| project Id = strcat(SystemAlertId, '-',$id), Name = strcat(ResourceId,Address,AadUserId), Size = 1, Kind = Type\r\n);\r\nlet links = data\r\n| project parse_json(Entities), SystemAlertId\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| evaluate bag_unpack(Entities)\r\n| project SourceId = SystemAlertId, TargetId = strcat(SystemAlertId, '-', $id), Size = 1, Kind = Type;\r\nnodes | union (links)\r\n",
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"size": 0,
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"size": 0,
"title": "Activity, by key vault",
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"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
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"content": {
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"size": 0,
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"size": 0,
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"name": "Events, by Caller IP"
"type": 3,
"content": {
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"size": 0,
"title": "Activity by Caller IP",
"timeContext": {
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"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
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"exportParameterName": "SelectedIP",
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"name": "Activity by Caller IP"
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"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
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"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by Caller IP distribution",
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"content": {
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"size": 0,
"title": "Incidents involving the selected Caller IP (selected above)",
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"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
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"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by Identity",
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"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
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"visualization": "timechart"
"name": "Events, by Identity"
"type": 3,
"content": {
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"size": 0,
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"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by Identity distribution",
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"name": "Events, by Identity distribution"
"type": 3,
"content": {
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"size": 0,
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"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
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"size": 0,
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"size": 0,
"title": "Activity, by operation name",
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"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by operation name distribution",
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"name": "AllEvents-ByOperation-Group"
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"size": 0,
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"size": 0,
"title": "Activity, by key vault",
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"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
"crossComponentResources": [
"gridSettings": {
"formatters": [
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"formatter": 3,
"formatOptions": {
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"customWidth": "60",
"name": "Activity, by key vault"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "AzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == "VAULTS"\r\n| where Category == "AuditEvent"\r\n| where tolower(ResourceId) in ({KeyVault})\r\n| where HttpStatusCode = tostring(httpStatusCode_d) !startswith "20"\r\n| summarize EventCount=count() by Resource",
"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by key vault distribution",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
"crossComponentResources": [
"visualization": "piechart"
"customWidth": "40",
"name": "Events, by key vault distribution"
"conditionalVisibility": {
"parameterName": "selectedTab",
"comparison": "isEqualTo",
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"name": "AllEvents-ByKeyVault-Group"
"type": 12,
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"content": {
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"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by Caller IP",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
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"visualization": "timechart"
"name": "Events, by Caller IP"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "let AlertIPs = SecurityAlert\r\n| project parse_json(Entities), AlertLink, SystemAlertId\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| extend parse_json(Entities)\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| where Entities has 'Address'\r\n| project IP = tostring(split(split(Entities, 'Address":"')[1], '"')[0]), AlertLink, AlertId = tostring(SystemAlertId);\r\nlet Incidents = SecurityIncident\r\n| project AlertIds, IncidentUrl\r\n|mv-expand AlertId = AlertIds\r\n| extend AlertId = tostring(AlertId);\r\nAzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == "VAULTS"\r\n| where Category == "AuditEvent"\r\n| where tolower(ResourceId) in ({KeyVault})\r\n| where HttpStatusCode = tostring(httpStatusCode_d) !startswith "20"\r\n| summarize EventCount=count() by IP = tostring(CallerIPAddress)\r\n| join kind=leftouter AlertIPs on IP\r\n| project-away IP1\r\n| order by EventCount desc\r\n| join kind=leftouter Incidents on AlertId\r\n| project-away AlertIds, AlertId1\r\n| extend Incident = IncidentUrl\r\n| summarize ['Related incidents'] = count(Incident != '') by IP, EventCount\r\n| order by ['Related incidents'], EventCount desc\r\n",
"size": 0,
"title": "Activity by Caller IP",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"exportFieldName": "IP",
"exportParameterName": "SelectedIP",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
"crossComponentResources": [
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"formatter": 3,
"formatOptions": {
"palette": "blue"
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"formatter": 3,
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"palette": "redDark"
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"name": "Activity by Caller IP"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "AzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == "VAULTS"\r\n| where Category == "AuditEvent"\r\n| where tolower(ResourceId) in ({KeyVault})\r\n| where HttpStatusCode = tostring(httpStatusCode_d) !startswith "20"\r\n| summarize EventCount=count() by CallerIPAddress",
"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by Caller IP distribution",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
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"customWidth": "40",
"name": "Events, by Caller IP distribution"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "let AlertIPs = SecurityAlert\r\n| extend parse_json(Entities), AlertLink, SystemAlertId, AlertType\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| extend parse_json(Entities)\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| where Entities has 'Address'\r\n| project IP = tostring(split(split(Entities, 'Address":"')[1], '"')[0]), TimeGenerated, DisplayName, Description, ProductName, AlertLink, AlertSeverity, AlertId = tostring(SystemAlertId);\r\nlet Incidents = SecurityIncident\r\n| project AlertIds, Title, Severity, IncidentUrl\r\n|mv-expand AlertId = AlertIds\r\n| extend AlertId = tostring(AlertId);\r\nAlertIPs\r\n| where IP in ('{SelectedIP}')\r\n| join kind=leftouter Incidents on AlertId\r\n| project-away AlertIds, AlertId1\r\n| project TimeGenerated, Title, ProductName, Severity, Incident = IncidentUrl\r\n| where isempty(Incident) == false",
"size": 0,
"title": "Incidents involving the selected Caller IP (selected above)",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
"crossComponentResources": [
"gridSettings": {
"formatters": [
"columnMatch": "Incident",
"formatter": 7,
"formatOptions": {
"linkTarget": "Url"
"name": "Incidents involving the selected Caller IP"
"conditionalVisibility": {
"parameterName": "selectedTab",
"comparison": "isEqualTo",
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"name": "AllEvents-ByCallerIP-Group"
"type": 12,
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"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "AzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == "VAULTS"\r\n| where Category == "AuditEvent"\r\n| where tolower(ResourceId) in ({KeyVault})\r\n| where HttpStatusCode = tostring(httpStatusCode_d) !startswith "20"\r\n| extend User = identity_claim_http_schemas_xmlsoap_org_ws_2005_05_identity_claims_upn_s\r\n| extend ObjectId = identity_claim_http_schemas_microsoft_com_identity_claims_objectidentifier_g\r\n| extend ApplicationId = identity_claim_appid_g\r\n| summarize Count = count() by Identity = iff(isempty(User), ObjectId, User) , bin(TimeGenerated,{TimeRange:grain})",
"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by Identity",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 2419200000
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
"crossComponentResources": [
"visualization": "timechart"
"name": "Events, by Identity"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "let AlertIDs = SecurityAlert\r\n| project parse_json(Entities), AlertLink, SystemAlertId, TimeGenerated\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| extend parse_json(Entities)\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| where Entities has 'AadUserId'\r\n| project ID = tostring(split(split(Entities, 'AadUserId":"')[1], '"')[0]), TimeGenerated, AlertLink, AlertId = SystemAlertId;\r\nlet Incidents = SecurityIncident\r\n| project AlertIds, IncidentUrl\r\n|mv-expand AlertId = AlertIds\r\n| extend AlertId = tostring(AlertId);\r\nAzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == "VAULTS"\r\n| where Category == "AuditEvent"\r\n| where tolower(ResourceId) in ({KeyVault})\r\n| where HttpStatusCode = tostring(httpStatusCode_d) !startswith "20"\r\n| extend User = identity_claim_http_schemas_xmlsoap_org_ws_2005_05_identity_claims_upn_s\r\n| extend ObjectId = identity_claim_http_schemas_microsoft_com_identity_claims_objectidentifier_g\r\n| extend ApplicationId = identity_claim_appid_g\r\n| where isempty(ObjectId) == false or isempty(User) == false or isempty(ApplicationId) == false\r\n| extend ID = iif(isempty(ObjectId), ApplicationId, ObjectId)\r\n//| summarize EventCount=count() by Identity = iif(isempty(User),iif(isempty(ObjectId), ApplicationId, ObjectId), User), Identifier = iif(isempty(User),iif(isempty(ObjectId), 'AppId', 'ObjectId'), 'User'), ID\r\n| summarize EventCount=count() by Identity = iif(isempty(ObjectId), ApplicationId, ObjectId), Identifier = iif(isempty(User),iif(isempty(ObjectId), 'AppId', 'ObjectId'), 'User'), User, ID\r\n| join kind=leftouter AlertIDs on ID\r\n| project-away ID, ID1\r\n| order by EventCount desc\r\n| join kind=leftouter Incidents on AlertId\r\n| project-away AlertIds, AlertId1\r\n| extend Incident = IncidentUrl\r\n| summarize ['Related incidents'] = count(Incident != '') by Identity, Identifier, User, EventCount\r\n| order by ['Related incidents'], EventCount desc\r\n",
"size": 0,
"title": "Activity, by Identity",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"exportFieldName": "Identity",
"exportParameterName": "SelectedID",
"queryType": 0,
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"columnMatch": "EventCount",
"formatter": 3,
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"palette": "redDark"
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"name": "Activity, by Identity"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "AzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == "VAULTS"\r\n| where Category == "AuditEvent"\r\n| where tolower(ResourceId) in ({KeyVault})\r\n| where HttpStatusCode = tostring(httpStatusCode_d) !startswith "20"\r\n| extend User = identity_claim_http_schemas_xmlsoap_org_ws_2005_05_identity_claims_upn_s\r\n| extend ObjectId = identity_claim_http_schemas_microsoft_com_identity_claims_objectidentifier_g\r\n| extend ApplicationId = identity_claim_appid_g\r\n| summarize EventCount=count() by Identiy = iif(isempty(User), ObjectId, User)",
"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by Identity distribution",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
"crossComponentResources": [
"visualization": "piechart"
"customWidth": "40",
"name": "Events, by Identity distribution"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "let AlertIDs = SecurityAlert\r\n| extend parse_json(Entities), AlertLink, SystemAlertId\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| extend parse_json(Entities)\r\n| mv-expand Entities\r\n| where Entities has 'AadUserId'\r\n| project ID = tostring(split(split(Entities, 'AadUserId":"')[1], '"')[0]), TimeGenerated, DisplayName, Description, ProductName, AlertLink, AlertSeverity, AlertId = tostring(SystemAlertId);\r\nlet Incidents = SecurityIncident\r\n| project AlertIds, Title, Severity, IncidentUrl\r\n|mv-expand AlertId = AlertIds\r\n| extend AlertId = tostring(AlertId);\r\nAlertIDs\r\n| where ID in ('{SelectedID}')\r\n| join kind=leftouter Incidents on AlertId\r\n| project-away AlertIds, AlertId1\r\n| project TimeGenerated, Title, ProductName, Severity, Incident = IncidentUrl\r\n| where isempty(Incident) == false",
"size": 0,
"title": "Incidents involving the selected identity (selected above)",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
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"name": "Incidents involving the selected identity"
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"comparison": "isEqualTo",
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"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
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"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by operation name",
"timeContext": {
"durationMs": 2419200000
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
"queryType": 0,
"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
"crossComponentResources": [
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"name": "Events, by operation name"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "AzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == "VAULTS"\r\n| where Category == "AuditEvent"\r\n| where tolower(ResourceId) in ({KeyVault})\r\n| where HttpStatusCode = tostring(httpStatusCode_d) !startswith "20"\r\n| summarize EventCount=count() by OperationName",
"size": 0,
"title": "Activity, by operation name",
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"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
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"resourceType": "microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces",
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"name": "Activity, by operation name"
"type": 3,
"content": {
"version": "KqlItem/1.0",
"query": "AzureDiagnostics\r\n| where ResourceType == "VAULTS"\r\n| where Category == "AuditEvent"\r\n| where tolower(ResourceId) in ({KeyVault})\r\n| where HttpStatusCode = tostring(httpStatusCode_d) !startswith "20"\r\n| summarize EventCount=count() by OperationName\r\n| order by EventCount desc",
"size": 0,
"title": "Events, by operation name distribution",
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"durationMs": 0
"timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange",
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"name": "EventAnalysisGroup"
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"label": "Event Threshold",
"type": 1,
"isRequired": true,
"value": "1000",
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"id": "6b2fb75b-7a4e-4105-be3c-c3be5b5c8aa1",
"version": "KqlParameterItem/1.0",
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"isRequired": true,
"value": {
"durationMs": 86400000
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"durationMs": 900000
"durationMs": 1800000
"durationMs": 3600000
"durationMs": 14400000
"durationMs": 43200000
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"query": "let EventCountThreshold = {EventCountThreshold};\r\nlet MonitoredTimeRange = {MonitoredTimeRange:start};\r\nlet OperationList = dynamic(\r\n["SecretGet", "KeyGet", "VaultGet"]);\r\nAzureDiagnostics\r\n| where TimeGenerated > MonitoredTimeRange\r\n| where ResourceType == "VAULTS"\r\n| where Category == "AuditEvent"\r\n| where tolower(ResourceId) in ({KeyVault})\r\n| extend Result = columnifexists("ResultType", "None"), identity_claim_http_schemas_microsoft_com_identity_claims_objectidentifier_g = columnifexists("identity_claim_http_schemas_microsoft_com_identity_claims_objectidentifier_g", "None")\r\n| where Result !~ "None" and isnotempty(Result)\r\n| where identity_claim_http_schemas_microsoft_com_identity_claims_objectidentifier_g !~ "None" and isnotempty(identity_claim_http_schemas_microsoft_com_identity_claims_objectidentifier_g)\r\n| where ResourceType =~ "VAULTS" and Result =~ "Success"\r\n| where OperationName in (OperationList) \r\n| summarize EventCount = count(), OperationNames = make_set(OperationName), CallerIPList = make_set(CallerIPAddress), RequestUriList = make_set(requestUri_s), ClientInfoList = make_set(clientInfo_s) by ResourceId, Result, identity_claim_http_schemas_microsoft_com_identity_claims_objectidentifier_g, identity_claim_appid_g, identity_claim_http_schemas_xmlsoap_org_ws_2005_05_identity_claims_upn_s\r\n| where EventCount > EventCountThreshold\r\n| order by EventCount desc\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n",
"size": 0,
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