Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
✌️ A spring physics based React animation library
The world's most flexible commerce platform.
Build system, optimized for monorepos, with plugins for popular frameworks and tools and advanced CI capabilities including caching and distribution.
👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React
A WebGL accelerated JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models.
♾ A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript.
Open-source serverless enterprise CMS. Includes a headless CMS, page builder, form builder, and file manager. Easy to customize and expand. Deploys to AWS.
🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.
Native UI testing / controlling with node
🐦 A resilience and fault-handling library. Supports Backoffs, Retries, Circuit Breakers, Timeouts, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallbacks.
flowable workflow designer base on @antv/g6
Automated refactorings for VS Code (JS & TS) ✨ It's magic ✨
React Starter Project with Webpack 4, Babel 7, TypeScript, CSS Modules, Server Side Rendering, i18n and some more niceties
react Native bridge for gtk desktop applications
Switch Package Manager - Say goodbye to Package Manager confusion