The goal of this repo is to have everything you need to start with flutter desktop + mobile simply by forking the project. This will no longer be necessary once flutter create
supports desktop and web.
Fork this project or click 'Use Template' to get started! :)
You need to be on the flutter master or dev channel for this project to work!
- Update Flutter
flutter channel master; flutter upgrade
cd mobile
flutter build ios
||flutter build apk
The desktop support is provided by flutter-desktop-embedding
. For any issues and setup instructions please refer to the docs here.
cd desktop
Update your $PATH
flutter precache
flutter run -d macos
||flutter run -d windows
||flutter run -d linux
Flutter for Web is provided by flutter_web
. For Issues and Setup Info refer to the docs here.
cd web
Update your $PATH
export FLUTTER_WEB=true
flutter packages global run webdev serve
This is the core part of your app that can be shared between web, mobile and CLI version of your app. This part cannot depend on the Flutter SDK.
Use this for constants, classes, abstract classes and utilites.
cd core
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch —delete-conflicting-outputs
This is the part of the app that can share everything used in the Flutter SDK. Like Models, Themes and Locale.
- Run
cd shared