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Applitools Eyes NX Angular MonoRepo / Cypress Example

This is an example for using Applitools Eyes in E2E testing for an NX Monorepo. Details for setting up the @applitools/eyes-cypress plugin inside of an NX Monorepo are also provided, below. (See full documentation for the @applitools/eyes-cypress plugin here:

Installation of @applitools/eyes-cypress plugin

To install inside of this example project:

npm install

To install in an existing NX Monorepo:

npm i -D @applitools/eyes-cypress

Manual Configuration of @applitools/eyes-cypress plugin

The @applitools/eyes-cypress plugin will be configured manually in this example. Follow the steps documented below to achieve this.

1. Update cypress.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from 'cypress'
import eyesPlugin from '@applitools/eyes-cypress'
export default eyesPlugin(defineConfig({
  // the e2e or component configuration
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
  • Import eyesPlugin from @applitools/eyes-cypress.
  • Wrap the call to Cypress' defineconfig with a call to eyesPlugin.

2. Add Applitools Eyes commands to all Cypress e2e projects:

Add the following import statement to Cypress support file, under all 'e2e' project directories.
(Example in this monorepo: angular-monorepo/apps/angular-store-e2e/src/support/e2e.ts.)

import '@applitools/eyes-cypress/commands'

3. (OPTIONAL) Add or update types and moduleResolution for @applitools/eyes-cypress, in tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": ["@applitools/eyes-cypress", "cypress", "node"]
    "moduleResolution": "node" // or "node16"

4. (OPTIONAL) Add applitools.config.js to root directory of node project, to configure global settings for @applitools/eyes-cypress.

  • Example in this monorepo: angular-monorepo/applitools.config.js

5. Update Cypress spec files to run Visual Testing commands added by @applitools/eyes-cypress.

Start Applitools Eyes Test Session (recommended in a beforeEach hook)


Capture a Visual Checkpoint with Applitools Eyes (for each desired UI state in test workflow)


End Applitools Eyes Test Session (recommended in an afterEach hook)

  • Example spec file: angular-monorepo/apps/angular-store-e2e/src/e2e/
  • Example spec file: angular-monorepo/apps/inventory-e2e/src/e2e/

6. Run NX e2e command, to execute Cypress tests (using npx).

Run e2e tests for angular-store app (as found in this example project)

npx nx e2e angular-store-e2e

Run e2e tests for inventory app (as found in this example project)

npx nx e2e inventory-e2e

Tutorial: Building Angular Apps with an Integrated Monorepo Setup

integrated monorepo

Source code for the Angular monorepo application tutorial on the Nx docs:

What's inside?

This example contains two Angular applications and three shared libraries that started from the angular-monorepo preset.

npx create-nx-workspace@latest myngapp --preset=angular-monorepo

It contains

  • two Angular application: apps/angular-store and apps/inventory
  • three local libraries: libs/products, libs/orders and libs/shared/ui to demo how to modularize a codebase
  • uses Nx module boundary rules to enforce architectural constraints

Follow through the tutorial linked above for more details.

How to run it

Clone it locally, install all dependencies using npm install. You can then run commands Like

  • npx nx build to build the Angular application
  • npx nx serve to serve the app
  • you can use npx nx graph to visualize the structure


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