I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas, under the guidance of Dr. Vibhav Gogate and Dr. Yu Xiang. Before starting my Ph.D., I earned my undergraduate degree from IIT Kharagpur and worked as an R&D Engineer at Next Education India Pvt Ltd. and ZeMoSo Labs Pvt Ltd.
My research focuses on developing algorithms that enable machines to understand human interactions in a data-efficient manner
🎥 Accurate Interpretation of Human Interactions
By integrating multiple data modalities—vision, text, and audio—I aim to answer the what of observed interactions.- Tackling challenges in robust learning
- Addressing issues in long-tailed recognition
🔮 Anticipation of Human Interactions
Exploring the why behind actions to enhance AI systems' ability to anticipate future interactions.- Leveraging underlying priors for predictive AI behaviour
🤖 Transfer of Observed Interactions to Robots
Adapting observed human interactions to specific robotic embodiments.- Enabling robots to interpret, understand, and replicate human interactions effectively
(1) UAI 2022 , (2) NeurIPS 2024, Under review at (3) CVPR 2025 and (4) ACL 2025
(5) ECCV 2024 (Oral), Under review at (3) CVPR 2025 and (4) ACL 2025
(6) IROS 2024 (Oral), Under review at (7) RSS 2025
Feel free to reach out via mail if you share similar research interests or want to collaborate!