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Design overview

The Core Logic shields itself from non-core services through the use of Manager Interfaces.

  • The DBManager manages objects in a database.
  • The EmailManager sends email messages
  • The PasswordManager hashes and verifies passwords
  • The TokenManager generates and verifies tokens.

The DBManager shields itself from specific database services through the use of the DbAdapter interface. Flask-User ships with the following implementations:

- DynamoDbAdapter
- MongoDbAdapter
- SQLDbAdapter

The EmailManager shields itself from specific email services through the use of the EmailAdapter interface. Flask-User ships with the following implementations:

- SendgridEmailAdapter
- SendmailEmailAdapter
- SMTPEmailAdapter

Because the core logic is relatively small, we decided to simply include the core logic with the DBManager.


+----------------------- =================== ----------------------------+
|                        DBManager interface                             |
|                                                                        |
|                      DBManager and Core Logic                          |
|                                                                        |
|               +--------------------------------------------------------+
|               |
|               |    ==============    =================    ==============
|               |    EmailManager      PasswordManager      TokenManager
|               |    Interface         Interface            Interface
|               |    +------------+    +---------------+    +------------+
|   DBManager   |    |EmailManager|    |PasswordManager|    |TokenManager|
+---------------+    +------------+    +---------------+    +------------+

=================    ==============
DbAdapter            EmailAdapter
Interface            Interface

- DynamoDbAdapter    - SendgridEmailAdapter
- MongoDbAdapter     - SendmailEmailAdapter
- SQLDbAdapter       - SMTPEmailAdapter