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Via Bower:
bower install leaflet-ant-path
Via NPM:
npm install leaflet-ant-path
Or just download this source code
- Leaflet >= 1
Tested on:
- Firefox 43
- Chrome 45
- Chromium 47
Can be used with asynchronous module loaders and CommonJS packers
The module provide two bundles, the full one, with some es6 polyfills (loaded by default when importing) and the lighter one without the polyfills. If you're already uses the following polyfills in your project:
- regenerator-runtime
- core-js/es6/symbol
- core-js/es6/reflect
Just use the lighter version (leaflet-ant-path.es6.js). If not, just use the full bundle.
MultiAntPath was removed, and now AntPath doesn't support the legacy version anymore (0.7.7). If you're still using MultiAntPath and Leaflet 0.7, use older AntPath versions than 0.6
It's just like a polyline:
// Using the constructor...
let antPolyline = new L.Polyline.AntPath(latlngs, options);
// ... or use the factory
antPolyline = L.polyline.antPath(latlngs, options);
Using with ES6 imports
import {AntPath, antPath} from 'leaflet-ant-path';
// Using the constructor...
let antPolyline = new AntPath(latlngs, options);
// ... or use the factory
antPolyline = antPath(latlngs, options);
Using with AMD:
require(['leaflet-ant-path'], function(AntPathModule) {
// Using the constructor ...
let antPolyline = new AntPathModule.AntPath(latlngs, options);
// ... or use the factory
antPolyline = AntPathModule.antPath(latlngs, options);
Using with browserify:
const { AntPath } = require('leaflet-ant-path');
Thinking in the new features of JavaScript, and its new way of programing, AntPath has some nicely features to work with ES6.
When spread the path, you will receive it lat/lngs array;
const antPathLayer = new AntPath(path, options);
const anotherAntPath = new AntPath(path2, options);
const latLngs = [...antPathLayer, ...anotherAntPath];
Use a for ... of ... to iterate over the path coordinates
for(let latLng of antPath) {
// do something with it latLngs ...
You can create you custom 'class' based on the AntPath:
class CustomAntPath extends AntPath {
AntPath has a map method as the Array, returning a new instance of AntPath (or the child class which extends it, because of its Functor property):
//New path with translated path
const newAnthPath = myAntPath.map(pos => latLng(pos.lat + 1, pos.lng + 1));
The AntPath extends from the FeatureGroup and implements the Path interface. Initialise with the same options of a common Polyline, with some extra options, like the flux color.
name | type | example | description |
latlngs | L.LatLng[] or Array[number, number] | [ [0, 10], [-20, 0], ... ] | A array of latitude and longitudes (same as used in Polyline constructor ) |
options | Object | {color: 'red', weight: 5, ...} | Same as the Polyline options plus the extra options bellow |
options.paused | boolean | true/false | Starts with the animation paused (default: false) |
options.pulseColor | string | #FF00FF | Adds a color to the dashed flux (default: 'white') |
options.delay | string | 120 | Add a delay to the animation flux (default: 400) |
options.dashArray | [number, number] or string | [15, 30] | The size of the animated dashes (default: "10, 20"). See also the pattern |
name | returns | description |
pause() | boolean | Stops the animation |
resume() | booelan | Resume the animation |
Also have the same as the L.Polyline API and with the same behaviour. See it here.
This project is under the MIT LICENSE