unreal-pixel-streaming demonstrates how to connect to a Unreal Pixel Streaming instance and accept the inbound audio/video
This example doesn't do anything with the media rtp-forwarder and save-to-disk shows some things you could do.
export GO111MODULE=on
go install github.com/pion/example-webrtc-applications/v3/unreal-pixel-streaming@latest
unreal-pixel-streaming -url wss://my-unreal-pixel-streaming.com/controller.htm?t=ABCDEF -origin 'https://my-unreal-pixel-streaming.com'
You will then get the following messages when your media is received.
Player Count 2
Connection State has changed checking
Connection State has changed connected
Track has started, of type 111: audio/opus
Track has started, of type 96: video/H264
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