If you use this plugin, you do NOT need RapidFireFix anymore.
Our CS2 Essentials plugin is the only plugin you need to run a successful HvH server. It includes basic features like reset score and rage quit as well as optional restrictions for weapons, friendly fire and rapid fire.
- Reset score
- Rage quit
- Restrict weapons (awp, scout, autosniper)
- Restrict friendly fire (default, only utility damage)
- Restrict rapid fire (0 allows rapid fire, 1 blocks rapid fire, 2 reflects damage scaled, 3 reflects damage but keeps the player alive)
- Restrict teleport
- Install Metamod:Source and CounterStrikeSharp
- Place the
folder in your serversgame/csgo/
- Edit the config file to your liking
3.1. Located ataddons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/CS2-Essentials/CS2-Essentials.json
- Restart your server
"RapidFireFixMethod": 1, // 0 allows rapid fire, 1 blocks rapid fire, 2 reflects damage scaled, 3 reflects damage but keeps the player alive
"RapidFireReflectScale": 1, // damage reflect percentage (0.0 - 1.0)
"AllowedAwpCount": -1, // how many awps are allowed per team (0 for none, -1 for unlimited)
"AllowedScoutCount": -1, // how many scouts are allowed per team (0 for none, -1 for unlimited)
"AllowedAutoSniperCount": -1, // how many auto snipers are allowed per team (0 for none, -1 for unlimited)
"UnmatchedFriendlyFire": true, // if true, only utility damage will be dealt to teammates (like on unmatched.gg)
"RestrictTeleport": true, // if true, the teleport exploit will be restricted and players will be teleported back to their original position
"AllowAdPrint": true, // if true, players will see a "powered by HvH.gg" ad in the chat with the settings print
"AllowResetScore": true, // if true, players will be able to reset their score with `!rs`
"AllowRageQuit": true, // if true, players will be able to rage quit with `!rq`
"ChatPrefix": "[{Red}Hv{DarkRed}H{Default}.gg]" // chat prefix for plugin messages
"ConfigVersion": 2 // do not change
You can use all available colors from CounterStrikeSharp in the chat prefix.
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