This is a complete guide for setting up a production deployment of CommCare HQ on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Doing this highly discouraged unless you have a specific reason for not using, because it requires a lot of knowledge and work to set up, let alone keep up-to-date with new features and bugfixes.
The steps used here are almost identical to those used by, which is a single-server deployment of CommCare HQ. For more complicated deployment needs, contact Dimagi.
Single server setup requires ~4GB RAM minimum.
Log in to your server and create a new superuser to run CommCare HQ and its helper processes:
sudo adduser commcarehq
As any superuser, run the following commands in order to install all of the dependencies for HQ.
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all couchdb elasticsearch git libffi-dev python-pip virtualenv libxslt1-dev redis-server zookeeper nginx supervisor npm jython
Edit /etc/default/elasticsearch
and uncomment START_DAEMON=true
line if present.
Then start all required services:
sudo service postgresql start
sudo service couchdb start
sudo service redis start
sudo service elasticsearch start
curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/commcarehq
sudo -upostgresql createuser commcarehq
sudo -upostgresql createdb -O commcarehq commcarehq
tar xf kafka_2.11-
cd kafka_2.11-
bin/ -daemon config/
bin/ -daemon config/
(check for for most recent version).
Login as commcare user and chdir to /home/commcarehq:
sudo su commcare
cd ~
Clone CommCare repository with it's dependencies:
git clone --depth 1
git submodule update --depth 5 --init --recursive
(--depth is optional to speedup download if you don't need entire commit history)
Create virtualenv:
virtualenv .
And install all required packages:
bin/pip install -r commcare-hq/requirements/requirements.txt -r commcare-hq/requirements/prod-requirements.txt -r commcare-hq/requirements/dev-requirements.txt
Copy /home/commcare-hq/commcare-hq/
to /home/commcare-hq/commcare-hq/
and edit it to set your Django database
settings. The relevant part should look something like this:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'commcarehq', # change this if you used a different database name during createdb
'USER': 'commcarehq', # change this if you used a different username
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '5432'
COUCH_DATABASE_NAME = 'commcarehq'
Add this required settings at the end of
from dev_settings import SHARED_DRIVE_ROOT, LOCAL_APPS
Also make sure that the directory or directories containing LOG_FILE
exist and are writeable by the cchq user.
The default localsettings is configured for HTTPS. We don't currently provide
any support for setting up the SSL certificates required to use HTTPs. Most
things will work without changing these settings, but some things will break if
you have HTTPS configured without an SSL certificate. In order to avoid this,
and ensure that DEFAULT_PROTOCOL
is http
and not
While still logged in to the remote server, navigate to /home/commcarehq/commcare-hq/
and execute
all of the commands from Set up your django environment
in the main README, except instead of ./
, use the full path of the
Python binary for the production virtualenv. For example:
/home/commcarehq/bin/python sync_couch_views
env CCHQ_IS_FRESH_INSTALL=1 /home/commcarehq/bin/python migrate --noinput
/home/commcarehq/bin/python compilejsi18n
/home/commcarehq/bin/python bootstrap mydomain myuser mypassword
/home/commcarehq/bin/python create_kafka_topics
/home/commcarehq/bin/python ptop_preindex
/home/commcarehq/bin/python ptop_es_manage --flip_all_aliases
Note that for the touchforms localsettings, it should correspond to whatever
is for the environment you added the the fabfile, so
in this instance.
We use Supervisor to start and manage all of the helper
processes for HQ. Ыe need to configure supervisor with our process
definitions. To do this, edit /etc/supervisord.conf
on the remote machine and
replace the last two lines
;files = relative/directory/*.ini
files = /home/commcarehq/commcare-hq/services/supervisor/*.conf
Create /home/commcarehq/commcare-hq/services/supervisor
mkdir -p services/supervisor
And populate it with process definitions (assuming you have the commcare-cloud repo alongside this one):
for i in `ls ../commcare-cloud/fab/fab/services/templates/`; do /home/commcarehq/bin/python make_supervisor_conf --conf_file $i --conf_destination services/supervisor --params '{"project":"commcarehq", "environment": "prod", "code_current": "/home/commcarehq/commcare-hq/", "django_bind": "", "django_port": 8000, "flower_port": 5555, "log_dir":"/tmp", "virtualenv_current":"/home/commcarehq/", "sudo_user": "commcarehq", "celery_params": {"concurrency": 1}}'; done
npm install bower
nodejs node_modules/bower/bin/bower install
/home/commcarehq/bin/python collectstatic --noinput
Logout from commcare user now and use ordinary superuser account. Create file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/commcarehq with following contents:
server {
listen 80;
server_name yourdomainnamehere;
client_max_body_size 500m;
proxy_read_timeout 900;
location /static/ {
# fix path as needed
alias /home/commcarehq/commcare-hq/staticfiles/;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
And restart nginx and supervisor:
sudo service nginx restart
sudo service supervisor restart
You now have a working production installation of CommCare HQ.
There may be additional changes necessary to
in order to
enable certain features like SMS sending.
See the bottom of the README for instructions on how to enable building CommCare mobile apps from CommCare HQ (remember to use the full path to the Python binary for the code_root virtualenv when running commands).