A lightweight CLI notes app written in Rust.
This simple tool allows people (and scripts) to take notes from a terminal.
If you are like me, your desktop is cluttered with random text files that contain all sorts of program output. For me, using other note apps has always been painful for working with things like machine-readable text. This app is designed to give you just enough organization to make your command line kung fu a bit easier.
tRusty is meant to be a catalog that allows you to use other CLI tools to create, edit, search and parse your notes.
tRusty is pretty good for:
- Taking quick notes
- Bookmarking URLs
- Saving responses from curl/httpie
- Jotting down program output and error messages
- Building a glossary of hard to remember CLI incantations
- Cataloging small base64 data (files/images)
- Drafting haikus
When you first set up tRusty, it will create a .trusty
directory in your home folder.
This is where configurations and your data are stored.
The CLI will also ask you to set a password. This is used to encrypt notes. The process will generate recovery code 🛟 that you can use set a new password if you forget yours.
Save this recovery code in a safe place or else your protected notes will be lost forever! {style="warning"}
Add a note with a title.
tru -t 'Foobar' -n "Who doesn't take notes in the terminal?🤷🏾"
Add a quick note with a derived title.
tru -q "The coolest kids use the terminal for everything."
Pipe a note into tRusty.
echo "Sometimes you need to save the output of a program | tru -i"
echo "Sometimes you need to save the output of a program with a title | tru -i -t "Saved Output $(date)"
Save a requests response.
http -b https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/list/all | tru -i -t 'Dog Breed JSON'
List a summary of all your notes.
tru -l
Get a specific note using its ID:
tru -f 10
Use the full power of the command line to filter note titles.
tru | grep -i untitled
Open the first note that matches a search.
tru | grep -i untitled | trusty -g
Dump all your notes and search.
tru --dump | grep -i foobar
Use more or less to page through menu results.
tru | less
Edit the body of the last note created, read or edited.
tru -e
Edit the title and content of the last note touched.
tru -e -A
Edit a note using the noted ID listed in the menu.
tru -o 2
Similarly, open a text editor to change the title and body of a note.
tru -o 2 -A
Open a new blank note in a text editor like vi or nano.
tru -o
You can create an encrypted note by adding the encrypted flag to any note creation command.
tru -o -E
tru -t 'A new note' -n 'Some text for a note here.' -E
Encrypt an existing note.
tru -p 2
When you try to open an encrypted note it will prompt for your password. {style="note"}
Decrypted and save a plain text note.
tru --unprotect 4
Soft delete (trash) an unprotected note by ID.
tru --trash 2
Permanently delete an unprotected note by ID.
tru --delete 2
Hard delete a protected note by ID. ☢️☢️☢️
tru --force-delete 2
Hard delete all notes in the trash.
tru --clean
Untrash a note by ID.
tru --restore 2
You can back up your notes by copying and saving your tRusty database wherever you like.
cp ~/.trusty/trusty.db ~/trusty.db.bak
If you change your password, make sure you retain the recovery code(s) that match the snapshot(s) you have saved. Otherwise, you man not have access to your encrypted notes. {style="warning"}
Specify a custom home directory by setting the TRUSTY_HOME
environment variable.
- Version 0.11.0 - Updated the size of the title column to accommodate encrypted messages.
- Version 0.12.0 - Stable encryption support added.
- version 1.0.3 - Public tRusty release.
FYI: The app's code name was cRusty thus the binary was called crusty