ol.html - the web page used to run the test suite.
spec - includes the OpenLayers test/spec files.
jasmine-1.2.0 - includes the Jasmine Testing Framework. https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine
jasmine-extensions.js - includes OpenLayers-specific extensions to Jasmine.
phantom-jasmine - a PhantomJS script and a console reporter to for headless testing. Comes from https://github.com/jcarver989/phantom-jasmine.
With PhantomJS installed, and assuming phantomjs is in the PATH:
$ phantomjs phantom-jasmine/run_jasmine_test.coffee ol.html
(Works with PhantomJS 1.6.1, untested with other versions.)
This command can also be run by doing make test
at the root of ol3.
Tip for TDD'ers: to make PhantomJS run the test suite continuously each time
a spec file is changed you can use nosier (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/nosier)
and do nosier -p test -p src "make test"