The AnyPixel backend consists of four applications which work together to provide an interface between the javascript-driven AnyPixel apps (the frontend) and the physical display hardware.
AppServer - A node.js server which locally hosts the AnyPixel apps.
ChromeBridge - A Chrome app which displays AnyPixel apps and handles the communication between the AppServer apps and the physical display hardware.
UdpManager - A node.js app which distributes data packets from ChromeBridge to the individual hardware components.
Emulator - A Chrome app for debugging, which simulates the network communications between ChromeBridge and the physical display hardware.
These instructions assume a basic familiarity with the command line of your particular system. For a good introduction to the command line, check out The Command Line Crash Course.
Download and install node.js.
Install browserify -
$ npm install -g browserify
Install node components - In the /appserver directory, do:
$ npm install
Start the server - In the /appserver directory, do
$ npm start
To stop the server, do $ npm stop
For more info on adding your own apps to the AppServer, see the AppServer README.
Install node components - In the /udp-manager directory, do:
$npm install
Start the manager - In the /udp-manager directory, do
$ npm start
To stop the manager, do $ npm stop
Install node components - In the /emulator directory, do:
$ npm install
Install and launch the Chrome app - Follow the ChromeBridge installation instructions above, except when loading the extension, select the /emulator folder instead.
Install node components - In the /chromebridge directory, do:
$ npm install
Open the Chrome Extensions page - In the Chrome browser, navigate to
Load the extension - Click the "Load unpacked extension..." button and select the /chromebridge folder. The ChromeBridge app will be added to the top of the extensions list.
Ensure the AppServer and the Emulator are running - or plug in your physical display hardware.
Launch the app - click the "Launch" button under the extension title:
For more info on using the ChromeBridge app, see the ChromeBridge README.