diff --git a/docs/balloon/demo/alignment.md b/docs/balloon/demo/alignment.md
index 72de466676..69b10fe9c5 100644
--- a/docs/balloon/demo/alignment.md
+++ b/docs/balloon/demo/alignment.md
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ There are 12 options for align
import { Button, Balloon } from '@alifd/next';
const top = ;
const right = ;
const bottom = ;
diff --git a/docs/balloon/demo/control.md b/docs/balloon/demo/control.md
index 0def632503..0751a5206b 100644
--- a/docs/balloon/demo/control.md
+++ b/docs/balloon/demo/control.md
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ Use 'visible' to control whether the popup should be displayed.
import { Button, Balloon } from '@alifd/next';
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
diff --git a/docs/balloon/demo/onCloseClick.md b/docs/balloon/demo/onCloseClick.md
index 8b42591c37..b5f1b6029a 100644
--- a/docs/balloon/demo/onCloseClick.md
+++ b/docs/balloon/demo/onCloseClick.md
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ When popup is nested in another popup, say DatePicker is nested in Balloon, use
import { Button, Balloon } from '@alifd/next';
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
diff --git a/docs/balloon/demo/tooltip.md b/docs/balloon/demo/tooltip.md
index 31c8612308..e4a66f670a 100644
--- a/docs/balloon/demo/tooltip.md
+++ b/docs/balloon/demo/tooltip.md
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ Simplified Balloon, which can only set align, trigger and children, and triggere
import { Button, Balloon } from '@alifd/next';
const Tooltip = Balloon.Tooltip;
const top = ;
diff --git a/docs/balloon/demo/triggerType.md b/docs/balloon/demo/triggerType.md
index 9027ed6880..d594a6a49e 100644
--- a/docs/balloon/demo/triggerType.md
+++ b/docs/balloon/demo/triggerType.md
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ Hover, focus and click.
import { Button, Balloon, Input } from '@alifd/next';
const content = (
const MoveTarget = ;
const ClickTarget = ;
diff --git a/docs/balloon/index.en-us.md b/docs/balloon/index.en-us.md
index d326683900..52ec9f2ee3 100644
--- a/docs/balloon/index.en-us.md
+++ b/docs/balloon/index.en-us.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
| alignEdge | whether align to the edge | Boolean | false |
| closable | whether to show the close button | Boolean | true |
| align | position of popup relative to the trigger
**option**: 't'(top) 'r'(right) 'b'(bottom) 'l'(left) 'tl'(top left) 'tr'(top right) 'bl'(bottom left) 'br'(bottom right) 'lt'(left top) 'lb'(left bottom) 'rt'(right top) 'rb'(right bottom) or their combinations | Enum | 'b' |
-| offset | offset for fine tuning the popup | Array | [0, 0] |
+| offset | extra adjustment for trigger element. e.g. [hoz, ver] means move to right ${hoz}px (to left in RTL mode), to bottom ${ver}px | Array | [0, 0] |
| trigger | trigger of the popup | any | <span></span> |
| triggerType | how to trigger the popup.
**签名**: Function() => void | Function | func.noop |
diff --git a/docs/dropdown/index.en-us.md b/docs/dropdown/index.en-us.md
index 6e4ef25fd7..c9b520878e 100644
--- a/docs/dropdown/index.en-us.md
+++ b/docs/dropdown/index.en-us.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ You can storage operation command with dropdown component when there are too muc
| triggerType | operation type of trigger overlay toggle visible
**options**: 'hover', 'click' | Enum | 'hover' |
| disabled | overlay can not toggle visible if you set disabled attribute | Boolean | false |
| align | overlay position relative to trigger element, see details Overlay align | String | 'tl bl' |
-| offset | overlay adjust position relative to trigger element | Array | [0, 0] |
+| offset | extra adjustment for trigger element. e.g. [hoz, ver] means move to right ${hoz}px (to left in RTL mode), to bottom ${ver}px | Array | [0, 0] |
| delay | delay time of toggle overlay visible(unit: ms),if triggerType value is 'hover', delay time will work | Number | 200 |
| autoFocus | let element in overlay get focus or not after overlay was opened | Boolean | true |
| hasMask | display mask or not | Boolean | false |
@@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ You can storage operation command with dropdown component when there are too muc
| Right Arrow | in vertical mode, open the submenu, navigate to the first item of the submenu; in horizontal mode, navigate at the same level, navigate to the next one |
| Left Arrow | in vertical mode, close the submenu, navigate to the parent menu; in horizontal mode, navigate at the same level, navigate to the previous one |
| Enter | open submenu and navigate to the first item of the submenu |
-| Esc | close submenu and navigate to the parent menu item |
\ No newline at end of file
+| Esc | close submenu and navigate to the parent menu item |
diff --git a/docs/dropdown/index.md b/docs/dropdown/index.md
index a74856525d..06ad3fdafe 100644
--- a/docs/dropdown/index.md
+++ b/docs/dropdown/index.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
| triggerType | 触发弹层显示或隐藏的操作类型,可以是 'click','hover',或者它们组成的数组,如 ['hover', 'click'] | String/Array | 'hover' |
| disabled | 设置此属性,弹层无法显示或隐藏 | Boolean | false |
| align | 弹层相对于触发元素的定位, 详见 Overlay 的定位部分 | String | 'tl bl' |
-| offset | 弹层相对于触发元素定位的微调 | Array | [0, 0] |
+| offset | 弹层相对于trigger的定位的微调, 接收数组[hoz, ver], 表示弹层在 left / top 上的增量 e.g. [100, 100] 表示往右(RTL 模式下是往左) 、下分布偏移100px | Array | [0, 0] |
| delay | 弹层显示或隐藏的延时时间(以毫秒为单位),在 triggerType 被设置为 hover 时生效 | Number | 200 |
| autoFocus | 弹层打开时是否让其中的元素自动获取焦点 | Boolean | - |
| hasMask | 是否显示遮罩 | Boolean | false |
diff --git a/docs/overlay/index.en-us.md b/docs/overlay/index.en-us.md
index 22d10e7613..5340d43817 100644
--- a/docs/overlay/index.en-us.md
+++ b/docs/overlay/index.en-us.md
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Popup is the wrapper of Overlay. It receives a node as a trigger node and pops u
| onRequestClose | callback function that triggers an event when the overlay request closed
**signatures**: Function(type: String, e: Object) => void **params**: _type_: {String} the reason of the overlay closure _e_: {Object} DOM event | Function | func.noop |
| target | reference element for overlay positioning | any | Position.VIEWPORT |
| align | alignment of the overlay relative to the reference element, see [Alignment](#Alignment) | String/Boolean | 'tl bl' |
-| offset | offset of the overlay relative to the reference element | Array | [0, 0] |
+| offset | extra adjustment for trigger element. e.g. [hoz, ver] means move to right ${hoz}px (to left in RTL mode), to bottom ${ver}px | Array | [0, 0] |
| container | container of the overlay, if it is a function, it should return ref, if it is a string, it is should be the id of the DOM element, it can also be passed the DOM element directly. | any | - |
| hasMask | whether to show the mask | Boolean | false |
| canCloseByEsc | whether to support pressing esc to close the overlay | Boolean | true |
@@ -97,4 +97,4 @@ Popup is the wrapper of Overlay. It receives a node as a trigger node and pops u
## ARIA and KeyBoard
-`Description`: This component needs to be used in conjunction with other components to be prompted. Refer to the above `overlay`
\ No newline at end of file
+`Description`: This component needs to be used in conjunction with other components to be prompted. Refer to the above `overlay`
diff --git a/docs/overlay/index.md b/docs/overlay/index.md
index 6add476d3f..d803e552ca 100644
--- a/docs/overlay/index.md
+++ b/docs/overlay/index.md
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Popup 是对 Overlay 的封装,它接收某个节点作为触发节点,弹
| onRequestClose | 弹层请求关闭时触发事件的回调函数