"# chicken-coop"
The chicken coop has a small yard, and to start off with was built using an old transportation box.
The control system consists of
- 2x 40W solar panels
- a Solax charge controller
- a 12V 20Ah battery
- a Wemos D1 Mini
- battery voltage monitoring voltage divider
- temperature sensors
- dc motor driver L298N
- a recycled control panel
- terminals
- breakers
- fuses
- Esphome and Home Assistant
The user interface on my phone looks like this.
The chicken door roller. Many people ask what I do if the chickens are still in the doorway when it starts closing, thinking that the door moves drops like a rocket and might decapitate said chicken. However, the gearing of the motor is so high that the door takes a full 37 seconds to close. Besides, you should see how fast chickens can move when they're startled.