This review service repo is a part of a larger service oriented architecture. Several services own their own data and can only be accessed by the proxy server. Users connections to individual services are routed through the proxy server.
This service manages all data related to user reviews. A relational database is used to hold a reviews table and a users table. A new setup will require seeding a database wtih mock data. A schema.sql file is provided along with a db filling script that can be ran with node.
The react code will require webpack bundling for local development and Grunt for automatic depoyment to an AWS S3 bucket
Docker is used for deoployment of the Express App and MySQL db to an AWS EC2 instance
- Technology
- Architecture
- Related Projects
- Requirements
- Installation
- Development
- Deployment
- ReviewApp
- Testing
Proxy Server:
Other Services:
An nvmrc
file is included if using nvm.
- Node 6.13.0
- Docker
npm Install and database setup / seeding. This will need to be done in all new environments.
1. run "npm install"
2. run "mysql -u root < db/schema.sql" or docker exec into the mysql container and paste in the schema.sql file
3. run "node db/dbFiller.js"
If using docker make sure you are running the db filling script from the correct virtual environment
In seperate dos windows:
$ npm run start-dev
$ npm run react-dev
From within the root directory:
$ docker-compose up
For automatic bundle, uglify and upload run:
$ grunt deploy
The review app uses react and styled components.
Travis CI is used for continuous development.