This is an implementation of HystrixMetricsPublisher that publishes metrics using Netflix Servo.
Servo enables metrics to be exposed via JMX or published to Graphite or CloudWatch.
See the Metrics & Monitoring Wiki for more information.
Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at
Example for Maven:
and for Ivy:
<dependency org="" name="hystrix-servo-metrics-publisher" rev="1.1.2" />
#Example Publishing metrics to Graphite
Some minimal Servo configuration must be done during application startup (ie time of Hystrix plugin registration) to enable Servo to publish Hystrix metrics to Graphite:
// Registry plugin with hystrix
// Minimal Servo configuration for publishing to Graphite
final List<MetricObserver> observers = new ArrayList<MetricObserver>();
observers.add(new GraphiteMetricObserver(getHostName(), ""));
PollRunnable task = new PollRunnable(new MonitorRegistryMetricPoller(), BasicMetricFilter.MATCH_ALL, true, observers);
PollScheduler.getInstance().addPoller(task, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
It's that simple. See Servo wiki and Publishing to Graphite for full documentation.