The Beam Playground is a web application to run Beam code snippets in a modern browser. This directory holds code to build, test, and deploy the frontend and backend services.
The following requirements are needed for development, testing, and deploying.
- go 1.18+
- flutter
- Go protobuf dependencies (See Go gRPC Quickstart)
- Dart protobuf dependencies (See Dart gRPC Quickstart)
- buf
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- gcloud CLI
- gcloud Beta Commands
- Cloud Datastore Emulator
- sbt
Google Cloud Shell already has most of the prerequisites installed. Only few tools need to be installed separately
git config --global --add /google/flutter
flutter doctor
go install[email protected]
go install[email protected]
dart pub global activate protoc_plugin
npm install -g @bufbuild/buf
echo "deb all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
echo "deb /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt_old.list
curl -sL "" | sudo -H gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/scalasbt-release.gpg --import
sudo chmod 644 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/scalasbt-release.gpg
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sbt
cd beam
./gradlew playgroundPrecommit
cd beam
./gradlew playground:tasks
cd beam
./gradlew playground:generateProto
cd beam
./gradlew playground:backend:containers:router:dockerComposeLocalUp
cd beam
./gradlew playground:backend:containers:router:dockerComposeLocalDown
- Edit
to override backend URLs with yours found in/playground/docker-compose.local.yaml
. - To start, run:
cd beam
./gradlew playground:dockerComposeLocalUp
- To stop, run:
cd beam
./gradlew playground:dockerComposeLocalDown
This way of running may not work in all environments because it is not maintained. It is used occasionally by the Frontend team to test complex tasks against a not-yet-deployed backend. The full start may take ~30 minutes and is demanding, so you should likely enable only one backend runner for the SDK you need.
If you do not need particular runners, comment out:
- Dependencies on them in
task. - Their Docker image configurations in
See also Backend Lookup in the Frontend.
Run the method to remove unused code snippets from the Cloud Datastore. Unused snippets are snippets that are out of date. If the last visited date property less or equals than the current date minus dayDiff parameter then a snippet is out of date
cd beam
./gradlew playground:backend:removeUnusedSnippet -DdayDiff={int} -DprojectId={string} -Dnamespace={datastore namespace}
Run the method to remove a specific code snippet from the Cloud Datastore.
cd beam
./gradlew playground:backend:removeSnippet -DsnippetId={string} -DprojectId={string} -Dnamespace={datastore namespace}
cd beam
./gradlew playground:backend:testWithoutCache
See terraform for details on how to build and deploy the application and its dependent infrastructure.
The following requirements are needed for deploying examples manually:
- GCP project with deployed Playground backend
- Python (3.9.x)
- Login into GCP (gcloud default login or using service account key)
Example deployment scripts uses following environment variables:
- GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT - GCP project id where Playground backend is deployed
- BEAM_ROOT_DIR - root folder to search for playground examples
- SDK_CONFIG - location of sdk and default example configuration file
- BEAM_EXAMPLE_CATEGORIES - location of example category configuration file
- BEAM_USE_WEBGRPC - use grpc-Web instead of grpc (default)
- GRPC_TIMEOUT - timeout for grpc calls (defaults to 10 sec)
- BEAM_CONCURRENCY - number of eaxmples to run in parallel (defaults to 10)
- SERVER_ADDRESS - address of the backend runnner service for a particular SDK
usage: [-h] --step {CI,CD} [--namespace NAMESPACE] --datastore-project DATASTORE_PROJECT --sdk {SDK_JAVA,SDK_GO,SDK_PYTHON,SDK_SCIO} --origin {PG_EXAMPLES,TB_EXAMPLES} --subdirs SUBDIRS [SUBDIRS ...]
CI/CD Steps for Playground objects
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--step {CI,CD} CI step to verify all beam examples/tests/katas. CD step to save all beam examples/tests/katas and their outputs on the GCD
--namespace NAMESPACE
Datastore namespace to use when saving data (default: Playground)
--datastore-project DATASTORE_PROJECT
Datastore project to use when saving data
Supported SDKs
ORIGIN field of pg_examples/pg_snippets
--subdirs SUBDIRS [SUBDIRS ...]
limit sub directories to walk through, relative to BEAM_ROOT_DIR
Helper script to deploy examples for all supported sdk's:
cd playground/infrastructure
export BEAM_ROOT_DIR="../../"
export SDK_CONFIG="../../playground/sdks.yaml"
export BEAM_EXAMPLE_CATEGORIES="../categories.yaml"
export PLAYGROUND_DNS_NAME="your registered dns name for Playground"
for sdk in go java python scio; do
export SDK=$sdk &&
python3 --datastore-project $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT \
--step CD --sdk SDK_${SDK^^} \
--origin PG_EXAMPLES \
--subdirs ./learning/katas ./examples ./sdks