Front End Resources
Front-end Job Interview Questions
Front End case studies
Front End Developer Handbook 2018
Code my UI - Web Design Inspiration with Code Snippets.
Front End Guidelines Questionnaire
Great front end guidelines
Thoughts About Front-End Development (2018)
Rearchitecting Airbnb’s Frontend (217)
FrontendArmory - Some great React/JS courses.
The Elements of UI Engineering (2018)
UI as an afterthought (2019)
Front-end Developer Handbook 2019
The Great Divide (2019) - Two front-end developers are sitting at a bar. They have nothing to talk about.
Micro Frontends (2019)
The Modern Front-End Design System Stack (2019)
Navigating the Hype-Driven Frontend Development World Without Going Insane - Kitze (2019)
FAB Specification - Compile target for frontend applications. (Code )
What should i learn as a front-end web dev in 2020?
dotcom-rendering - Frontend rendering framework for It uses React, with Emotion for styling.
Front-End Conferences - List of upcoming front-end related conferences.
Microfrontends made easy
Frontend Lobsters, what are your pet peeves about the languages / frameworks you use? (2020)
Open UI - Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption. (Code ) (HN )
Guide to becoming a modern front end developer (HN )
Frontdesk - Community driven list of useful things for Front End Developers.
Front-end Bookmarks - Collection of articles and talks about HTML, CSS, and JS, grouped by elements, attributes, properties, selectors, methods, and expressions. (Code )
Frontend Guidelines - Some HTML, CSS and JS best practices.
React vs Vue: Compare and Contrast (2020)
Why frontend build tools are getting an overhaul (2020)
Responsively - Web developer's browser.
What are the most difficult UI patterns you've coded? (2020)
Asayer - Frontend Application Monitoring.
Omatsuri - Open source frontend focused browser tools for everyday use. (Code )
Front End Developer Resources
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