- Firebase Auth
- IndieAuth specification proposal (Code)
- Ask HN: How do you currently solve authentication? (2020)
- frauth - Command line tool to verify the identity of friends in a decentralized manner.
- JWT is Awesome: Here's Why (2020) (HN)
- Learn Authentication The Hard Way (2020)
- Ask HN: What are problems with implementing authentication and authorization? (2020)
- BitAuth - Simple, Secure, Passwordless Login.
- Zanzibar: Google’s Consistent, Global Authorization System (2019)
- samlify - Highly configuarable Node.js SAML 2.0 library for Single Sign On.
- OAuth2 Proxy - Reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Github or other providers.
- Verifiable Credentials Data Model - Expressing verifiable information on the Web. (Code)
- Authelia - Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps.
- DID - Identity Provider, that authenticates users by verifying access to either an email address or securely stored private key.
- WebAuthn Awesome - Curated list of awesome WebAuthn/FIDO2 resources.
- The Ultimate Guide to handling JWTs on frontend clients (GraphQL) (2019)
- React Google Login - Google oAUth Sign-in / Log-in Component for React.
- OAuth2 for Go
- OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice (2020) (HN)
- Just-for-me Authentication (2020)
- Feather - Lightweight identity platform for adding flexible user authentication and authorization flows to your apps.
- Password authentication for web and mobile apps
- Authentication on the Client Side the Right Way: Cookies vs. Local Storage (2019) (Reddit)
- JSON Web Token (JWT) RFC (Lobsters)
- OAuth 2 Simplified
- Zero-knowledge Auth
- AppAuth - iOS and macOS SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
- Simple Auth Setup for Your React App (2020)
- Magic Link - Drop passwords. Use magic links.
- User authentication with passwords, What’s SRP? (2020)
- JustAuthenticateMe - Passwordless email-based authentication for your web app.
- loginsrv - Standalone minimalistic login server providing a JWT login for multiple login backends.
- Designing an Authentication System: a Dialogue in Four Scenes (1988) (HN)
- Okta Identity Cloud - Gives you one trusted platform to secure every identity in your organization, including your workforce and customers. (Okta Developer Platform)
- Building a Secure Signed JWT (2020)
- Keycloak - Open Source Identity and Access Management. (Go package)
- TokenCLI - Command line utility for interacting with OAuth2 infrastructure to generate tokens.
- Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) - New type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity.
- jwt - Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) that helps you avoid common security mistakes.
- HN: Pioneers of web cryptography on the future of authentication (2020)
- openidconnect-rs - OpenID Connect Library for Rust.
- OAuth2 Rust - Extensible, strongly-typed Rust OAuth2 client library.
- JavaScript Authentication & Authorization Book/Course
- ASGI middleware that authenticates users against GitHub
- JSON Web Token Docs Introduction
- Auth Boss - Learn about different authentication methodologies on the web.
- JWT auth visualized
- Simple Auth with Magic.link and Next.js (2020)
- jwt.ms - Decode auth tokens.
- Platform authenticators for Web Authentication in Safari 14 (2020)
- OAuth in one picture
- Why we won’t be supporting Sign in with Apple (2020) (HN)
- yup-oauth2 - Utility library which implements several OAuth 2.0 flows. It's mainly used by google-apis-rs, to authenticate against Google services.
- AuthGuardian by OneGraph - Secure your GraphQL API.
- Pass - Identity app for fintech applications.
- Note on Auth
- How does Single Sign-On work?
- The Future of Online Identity is Decentralized (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Everything You Need to Know About OAuth (2.0) (2020) (HN)
- OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (in plain English) (2018)
- Best practices for password hashing and storage
- Xkit - Build OAuth integrations in minutes. (HN)
- Galileo's Proposed Authentication Algorithm (2020)
- Let's build the GitHub authorization model (2020)
- oso - Authorization for Developers.
- I Actively Discourage Online Tooling Like Jwt.io and Online JSON Validators (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- ORY Hydra - Hardened, OpenID Certified OAuth 2.0 Server and OpenID Connect Provider optimized for low-latency, high throughput, and low resource consumption.
- The different kinds of authentication protocols
- gologin - Go login handlers for authentication providers (OAuth1, OAuth2).
- What's in a JWT (Json Web Token)? (2020)
- Gazepass - Passwordless Authentication API.
- dex - Federated OpenID Connect provider.
- Aperture - HTTP 402 Lightning Service Authentication Token Reverse Proxy.
- Kerbrute - Quickly bruteforce and enumerate valid Active Directory accounts through Kerberos Pre-Authentication.
- OAuth 2.0 Simplified - Guide to building OAuth 2.0 servers.
- Authenticator - Generates 2-Step Verification codes in your browser.
- WebAuthn.io - Demo of the WebAuthn specification.
- [Face ID and Touch ID for the Web (2020)]https://webkit.org/blog/11312/meet-face-id-and-touch-id-for-the-web/() (HN)
- OAuth 3 - In-progress effort to redesign OAuth from the ground up. (HN)
- Portier - Email-based, passwordless authentication service. (Code)
- useAuth - Simplest way to add authentication to your React app.
- Consent Management: What You Need to Understand (2020)
- OAuth2: A Theatrical Introduction (2020)