golang keycloak client
This client is based on : go-keycloak
For Questions either raise an issue, or come to the gopher-slack into the channel #gocloak
If u are using the echo framework have a look at gocloak-echo
If you are using a Keycloak Server version <4.8 please use the V1.0 release of gocloak.
go get gopkg.in/nerzal/gocloak.v1
import "gopkg.in/nerzal/gocloak.v1"
gocloak := gocloak.NewClient("https://mycool.keycloak.instance")
token, err := gocloak.LoginAdmin("user", "password", "realmName")
if err != nil {
panic("Something wrong with the credentials or url")
user := gocloak.User{
FirstName: "Bob",
LastName: "Uncle",
EMail: "[email protected]",
Enabled: true,
Username: "CoolGuy",
gocloak.CreateUser(token.AccessToken, "realm", user)
if err != nil {
panic("Oh no!, failed to create user :(")
client := NewClient(hostname)
token, err := client.LoginClient(clientid, clientSecret, realm)
if err != nil {
panic("Login failed:"+ err.Error())
rptResult, err := client.RetrospectToken(token.AccessToken, clientid, clientSecret, realm)
if err != nil {
panic("Inspection failed:"+ err.Error())
if !rptResult.Active {
panic("Token is not active")
permissions := rptResult.Permissions
//Do something with the permissions ;)
// GoCloak holds all methods a client should fullfill
type GoCloak interface {
Login(clientID string, clientSecret string, realm string, username string, password string) (*JWT, error)
Logout(clientID, clientSecret, realm, refreshToken string) error
LoginClient(clientID, clientSecret, realm string) (*JWT, error)
LoginAdmin(username, password, realm string) (*JWT, error)
RequestPermission(clientID string, clientSecret string, realm string, username string, password string, permission string) (*JWT, error)
RefreshToken(refreshToken string, clientID, clientSecret, realm string) (*JWT, error)
DecodeAccessToken(accessToken string, realm string) (*jwt.Token, *jwt.MapClaims, error)
DecodeAccessTokenCustomClaims(accessToken string, realm string, claims jwt.Claims) (*jwt.Token, error)
RetrospectToken(accessToken string, clientID, clientSecret string, realm string) (*RetrospecTokenResult, error)
GetIssuer(realm string) (*IssuerResponse, error)
GetCerts(realm string) (*CertResponse, error)
GetUserInfo(accessToken string, realm string) (*UserInfo, error)
SetPassword(token string, userID string, realm string, password string, temporary bool) error
ExecuteActionsEmail(token string, realm string, params ExecuteActionsEmail) error
CreateUser(token string, realm string, user User) (*string, error)
CreateGroup(accessToken string, realm string, group Group) error
CreateRole(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string, role Role) error
CreateClient(accessToken string, realm string, clientID Client) error
CreateClientScope(accessToken string, realm string, scope ClientScope) error
CreateComponent(accessToken string, realm string, component Component) error
UpdateUser(accessToken string, realm string, user User) error
UpdateGroup(accessToken string, realm string, group Group) error
UpdateRole(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string, role Role) error
UpdateClient(accessToken string, realm string, clientID Client) error
UpdateClientScope(accessToken string, realm string, scope ClientScope) error
DeleteUser(accessToken string, realm, userID string) error
DeleteComponent(accessToken string, realm, componentID string) error
DeleteGroup(accessToken string, realm, groupID string) error
DeleteRole(accessToken string, realm, clientID, roleName string) error
DeleteClient(accessToken string, realm, clientID string) error
DeleteClientScope(accessToken string, realm, scopeID string) error
GetKeyStoreConfig(accessToken string, realm string) (*KeyStoreConfig, error)
GetUserByID(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) (*User, error)
GetUserCount(accessToken string, realm string) (int, error)
GetUsers(accessToken string, realm string, params GetUsersParams) (*[]User, error)
GetUserGroups(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) (*[]UserGroup, error)
GetComponents(accessToken string, realm string) (*[]Component, error)
UserAttributeContains(attributes map[string][]string, attribute string, value string) bool
GetGroups(accessToken string, realm string) (*[]Group, error)
GetGroup(accessToken string, realm, groupID string) (*Group, error)
GetRoles(accessToken string, realm string) (*[]Role, error)
GetRoleMappingByGroupID(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) (*[]RoleMapping, error)
GetRoleMappingByUserID(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) (*[]RoleMapping, error)
GetRolesByClientID(accessToken string, realm string, clientID string) (*[]Role, error)
GetClients(accessToken string, realm string) (*[]Client, error)
GetRealmRolesByUserID(accessToken string, realm string, userID string) (*[]Role, error)
GetRealmRolesByGroupID(accessToken string, realm string, groupID string) (*[]Role, error)
GetUsersByRoleName(token string, realm string, roleName string) (*[]User, error)
GetRealm(token string, realm string) (*RealmRepresentation, error)
I was to lazy to add some environment variables. So i added a "super.secret.go" file, which holds some constants(username, password, realm), that are used for the tests.