RC Link library that works on ESP-NOW for tiny models in short range.
- ESP32 and ESP8266 support
- Auto pairing
- Up to 100Hz packet rate (or maybe more)
- 8 RC channels
- Channels 1-4 are sent with full resolution and extended range 880-2120
- Channels 5-8 are sent with reduced resolution and scaled for extended range 880-2120 (packed to 8-bit size, resolution is 5 units)
- packet checksum checking
- when reciever is powered it sends pair request
- when transmitter is powered, it scans channels for pair request
- when transmitter receive pair request, adds peer to the list and sends pair response
- when receiver recieive pair response, adds peer to the list and start communicating only with this transmitter
- transmitter will not accept any other pair request, until power cycle
- receiver will not accept any data packet form other transmitter, until power cycle
lib_deps =
yoursunny/WifiEspNow @ ^0.0.20230713
- Tests, a lot of testing required
- Telemetry
- More channels
This project is distributed under MIT Licence.