Clear is an ORM built for PostgreSQL and Crystal. We do not want to make it compatible with others DBMS, so we can offers better experience and connect to the advanced features of PostgreSQL.
Here some (but not all!) features offered yet by Clear !
- Expressive where query building (like Sequel!)
Post.query.where{ ( title =~ /(^| )Awesome($| )/i ) & ( created_at.between(1.month.ago, ) }
- N+1 query caching !
Users.query.with_posts(&.published).each do #...
- CTE, locks, cursors and other advanced PG features are packed in !
LotsOfRecordModel.query.each_cursor(batch: 1_000) do |r| #...
- Migration system with integrated PostgreSQL subtilities (e.g. Foreign Key)
t.references to: "users", on_delete: "cascade", null: false
- Automatic presence validator through the columns declaration: Using
notation tell Clear that your column doesn't need to be present
class MyModel
include Clear::Model
column x : String
m =
puts m.print_errors # x should be present
Mixins architecture, no class inheritance ! Include and play !
Customizable fields converter PG <=> Crystal
record MyRecord, a : String, b: String
class Clear::Model::Converter::CitextConverter
def self.to_column(x : ::Clear::SQL::Any) : MyRecord?
case x
when Nil
when Slice(UInt8)
r =
# Convert here !
raise "bad format"
def self.to_db(x : MyRecord?)
# Convert here !
Please check the roadmap for more informations.
A full sample is available on the wiki
In shards.yml
github: anykeyh/clear
require "clear"
Clear offers some mixins, just include them in your classes to clear them:
class User
include Clear::Model
column id : Int64, primary: true
column email : String
column first_name : String?
column last_name : String?
column hashed_password : String?
def password=(x)
self.encrypted_password = Encryptor.hash(x)
, String
, Time
, Boolean
and Jsonb
structures are already mapped.
For other type of data, just create your own converter !
class User
include Clear::Model
column my_custom_type : Custom::Type
# Just create a module following this naming convention:
module Clear::Model::Converter::Custom::TypeConverter
def self.to_column(x : ::Clear::SQL::Any) : Custom::Type?
# Deserialize your field here
def self.to_db(x : Custom::Type?)
# Serialize your field here
Most of the ORM for Crystal are mapping column type as Type | Nil
It makes sens so we allow selection of some columns only of a model.
However, this have a caveats: Fields are still accessible, and will return nil,
even if the real value of the field is not null !
Moreover, most of the developers will enforce nullity only on their programming language level via validation, but not on the database, leading to inconsistency.
Therefore, we choose to throw exception whenever a field is accessed before it has been initialized and to enforce presence through the union system of Crystal.
Clear offers this through the use of column wrapper.
Wrapper can be of the type of the column as in postgres, or in UNKNOWN
This approach offers more flexibility:"last_name").each do |usr|
puts usr.first_name #Will raise an exception, as first_name hasn't been fetched.
u =
u.first_name_column.defined? #Return false
u.first_name_column.value("") # Call the value or empty string if not defined :-)
u.first_name = "bonjour"
u.first_name_column.defined? #Return true now !
Wrapper give also some pretty useful features:
u = = "[email protected]"
u.email_column.changed? # TRUE
u.email_column.defined? # No more
Clear offers has_many
, has_one
, belongs_to
and has_many through
class Security::Action
belongs_to role : Role
class Security::Role
has_many user : User
class User
include Clear::Model
has_one user_info : UserInfo
has_many posts : Post
belongs_to role : Security::Role
# Use of the standard keys (users_id <=> security_role_id)
has_many actions : Security::Action, through: Security::Role
Clear offers a collection system for your models. The collection system
takes origin to the lower API Clear::SQL
, used to build requests.
To fetch one model:
# 1. Get the first user
User.query.first #Get the first user, ordered by primary key
# Get a specific user
User.find!(1) #Get the first user, or throw exception if not found.
# Usage of query provides a `find_by` kind of method:
u : User? = User.query.find{ email =~ /yacine/i }
To prepare a collection, juste use Model#query
Collections include SQL::Select
object, so all the low level API
, join
, group_by
, lock
...) can be used in this context.
# Get multiple users
User.query.where{ (id >= 100) & (id <= 200) }.each do |user|
# Do something with user !
#In case you know there's millions of row, use a cursor to avoid memory issues !
User.query.where{ (id >= 1) & (id <= 20_000_000) }.each_cursor(batch: 100) do |user|
# Do something with user; only 100 users will be stored in memory
# This method is using pg cursor, so it's 100% transaction-safe
Call aggregate functions from the query is possible. For complex aggregation,
I would recommend to use the SQL::View
API (note: Not yet developed),
and keep the model query for fetching models only
# count
user_on_gmail = User.query.where{ email.ilike "" }.count #Note: count return is Int64
# min/max
max_id = User.query.where{ email.ilike "" }.max("id", Int32)
# your own aggregate
weighted_avg = User.query.agg( "SUM(performance_weight * performance_score) / SUM(performance_weight)", Float64 )
Associations are basically getter which create predefined SQL. To access to an association, just call it !
User.query.each do |user|
puts "User #{} posts:"
user.posts.each do |post| #Works, but will trigger a request for each user.
puts "• #{}"
For every association, you can tell Clear to encache the results to avoid
N+1 queries, using with_XXX
on the collection:
# Will call two requests only.
User.query.with_posts.each do |user|
puts "User #{} posts:"
user.posts.each do |post|
puts "• #{}"
Note than Clear doesn't perform a join method, and the SQL produced will use
the operator IN
on the association.
In the case above:
- The first request will be
SELECT * FROM users;
- Thanks to the cache, a second request will be called before fetching the users:
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE user_id IN ( SELECT id FROM users )
I have plan in a late future to offer different query strategies for the cache (e.g. joins, unions...)
When you use the caching system of the association, using filters on association will invalidate the cache, and N+1 query will happens.
For example:
User.query.with_posts.each do |user|
puts "User #{} published posts:"
# Here: The cache system will not work. The cache on association
# is invalidated by the filter `where`.
user.posts.where({published: true}).each do |post|
puts "• #{}"
The way to fix it is to filter on the association itself:
User.query.with_posts(&.where({published: true})).each do |user|
puts "User #{} published posts:"
# The posts collection of user is already encached with the published filter
user.posts.each do |post|
puts "• #{}"
Note than, of course in this example user.posts
are not ALL the posts but only the
Thanks to this system, we can stack it to encache long distance relations:
# Will cache users<=>posts & posts<=>category
# Total: 3 requests !
User.query.with_posts(&.with_category).each do |user|
In case you want fields computed by postgres, or stored in another table, you can use fetch_column
By default, for performance reasons, fetch_columns
option is set to false.
users = "",
remark: "infos.remark").join("infos"){ infos.user_id == }.to_a(fetch_columns: true)
# Now the column "remark" will be fetched into each user object.
# Access can be made using `[]` operator on the model.
users.each do |u|
puts "email: `#{}`, remark: `#{u["remark"]?}`"
I've reimplemented inspect
on model, to offer good debugging insights:
p # => #<Post:0x10c5f6720
@title_column="Lorem ipsum torquent inceptos"*,
In this case, the *
means a column is changed and the object is dirty and must
be saved on the database.
One thing very important for a good ORM is to offer vision of the SQL called under the hood. Clear is offering SQL logging tools, with SQL syntax colorizing in your terminal.
For activation, simply setup the logger to DEBUG
level !
Clear.logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG
Object can be persisted, saved, updated:
u = = "[email protected]"! #Save or throw if unsavable (validation failed).
Columns can be checked & reverted:
u = = "[email protected]"
u.email_column.changed? # < Return "true"
u.email_column.revert # Return to #undef.
Presence validator is done using the type of the column:
class User
include Clear::Model
column first_name : String # Must be present
column last_name : String? # Can be null
There's a case when a column CAN be null inside Crystal, if not persisted, but CANNOT be null inside Postgres.
It's for example the case of the id
column, which take value after saving !
In this case, you can write:
class User
column id : Int64, primary: true, presence: false #id will be set using pg serial !
Thus, in all case this will fail:
u = # raise error
When you save your model, Clear will call first the presence validators, then
call your custom made validators. All you have to do is to reimplement
the validate
class MyModel
def validate
# Your code goes here
Validation fail if model#errors
is not empty:
class MyModel
def validate
if column != "ABCD"
add_error("column", "must be ABCD!")
Please use unique
feature of postgres. Unique validator at crystal level is a
non-go and lead to terrible race concurrency issues if your deploy on multiple nodes/pods.
It's an anti-pattern and must be avoided at any cost.
In the case you try validation on a column which has not been initialized, Clear will complain, telling you you cannot access to the column. Let's see an example here:
def validate
add_error("first_name", "should not be empty") if first_name == ""
This validator will raise an exception, because first_name has never been initialized. To avoid this, we have many way:
# 1. Check presence:
def validate
if first_name_column.defined? #Ensure we have a value here.
add_error("first_name", "should not be empty") if first_name == ""
# 2. Use column object + default value
def validate
add_error("first_name", "should not be empty") if first_name_column.value("") == ""
# 3. Use the helper macro `on_presence`
def validate
on_presence(first_name) do
add_error("first_name", "should not be empty") if first_name == ""
#4. Use the helper macro `ensure_than`
def validate
ensure_than(first_name, "should not be empty", &.!=(""))
#5. Use the `ensure_than` helper (but with block notation) !
def validate
ensure_than(first_name, "should not be empty") do |field|
field != ""
I recommend the 4th method in most of the cases you will faces. Simple to write and easy to read !
Clear offers of course a migration system.
Migration should have an order
field set.
This number can be wrote at the end of the class itself:
class Migration1
include Clear::Migration
def change(dir)
Another way is to write down all your migrations one file per migration, and
naming the file using the [number]
In this case, the migration class name doesn't need to have a number at the end of the class name.
# in src/db/migrations/
class CreateTable
include Clear::Migration
def change(dir)
Migration must implement the method change(dir : Migration::Direction)
Direction is the current direction of the migration (up or down).
It provides few methods: up?
, down?
, up(&block)
, down(&block)
You can create a table:
def change(dir)
create_table(:test) do |t|
t.string :first_name, index: true
t.string :last_name, unique: true
t.index "lower(first_name || ' ' || last_name)", using: :btree
I strongly encourage to use the foreign key constraints of postgres for your references:
t.references to: "users", on_delete: "cascade", null: false
There's no plan to offer on Crystal level the on_delete
feature, like
in ActiveRecord. That's a standard PG feature, just set it
up in migration
In short, here is the architecture
| Clear +
| Model | DB Views | Migrations | crclr CLI | < High Level Tools
| Field | Validation | Converters | < Mapping system
| Clear::SQL | Clear::Expression | < Low Level SQL Builder
| Crystal DB | Crystal PG | < Low Level connection
The ORM is freely inspired by Sequel and ActiveRecord. It offers advanced features for Postgres (see Roadmap)
- Hook callback
- Field mapping
- Basic SQL: Select/Insert/Update/Delete
- Cursored fetching
- Debug Queries & Pretty Print
- Scope
- Locks
- Relations
- Having clause
- Caching for N+1 Queries
- Migrations
- Validation
- All logic of transaction, update, saving...
- DB Views => In progress
- Writing documentation
- crclr tool => In progress
- CitusDB Support ? => In mind
- Filling this checklist and drink a beer
I'm currently focusing on the DB views (nothing hard) and a CLI to scaffold project with Kemal and Clear, manage migrations, and others tools !
This shard is provided under the MIT license.
All contributions are welcome ! As a specialized ORM for postgreSQL, be sure a great contribution on a very specific PG feature will be incorporated to this shard. I hope one day we will cover all the features of PG here !