Ethernet on STM32H745 using FreeRTOS and LWIP
using STM32's Hardware SPI to drive a ST7789 based IPS displayer
Software I2C for stm32f1xx using Standart Peripheral Library, operate with magnetometer HMC5883 as example
This is an AHRS for UAV, based on STM32, MPU6050 and HMC5883.
基于stm32-f4智能气象站及Wi-Fi开关,提供温度、气压、湿度及光强度测量、服务器上报,以及Wi-Fi控制下的GPIO口。Intelligent Weather Station and Wi-Fi switcher providing temperature ,atmosphere pressure ,humidity and lightness detecting and repor…
A powerful Smart Watch based on STM32, FreeRTOS, LVGL.
A serial port assistant that can be used directly in the browser.
Unreal Engine C++ Shooter Series Project
To implement inverse design method to optimize photonic devices using Lumerical's LumOpt.
This code is for of inverse design and forward prediction of disordered waveguide. Full codes updated
Pytorch code for "Real image denoising with feature attention", ICCV (Oral), 2019.
PyTorch implementation of Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising (TIP 2017)
PyTorch implementation of some single image dehazing networks.
Code of the moire removal method "Unsupervised Moire Patterns Removal for Recaptured Screen Images"
python implementation of Deep speckle correlation: a deep learning approach towards scalale imaging through scattering media
PyTorch code for our NeurIPS 2022 paper "Cross Aggregation Transformer for Image Restoration"