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set dev environment

Prepare 3 machines at least. In every machine, make sure spark2.0 is installed, AND

  1. add export MOONBOX_HOME=/path/to/project/root in /ect/profile
  2. reboot or source /etc/profile
  3. edit nodes.template, change the name to nodes
  4. edit moonbox-default.conf.template, change the name to moonbox-default.conf
  5. start spark in standalone cluster
  6. cd $MOONBOX_HOME/sbin, run to start moonbox

how to make a dist package

  1. run in dev package is in edp-moonbox/assembly/target/ directory

  2. build a jar for hbase
    cd edp-moonbox/external/spark-hbase-connector/ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Phbase copy the package to HBASE lib

  3. download and copy mysql jdbc driver (for example: mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar ) to ${MOONBOX_HOME}/lib in test environment

how to generate THIRD-PARTY.txt?

mvn clean install -DskipTests

mvn license:aggregate-add-third-party

how to use

####mysql: mount table aaa options(type'mysql', url 'jdbc:mysql://host:port/test', dbname 'test', dbtable 'test1_10w', user 'root', password 'xxx', driver 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver') mount table bbb options(type'mysql', url 'jdbc:mysql://host:port/test', dbname 'test', dbtable 'test2_10w', user 'root', password 'xxx', driver 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver') select * from aaa inner join bbb on aaa.outer_key = bbb.index_key limit 1

####hbase 1.1.2: ######prepare: cd moonbox/external/spark-hbase-connector && mvn package -DskipTests -Phbase && cp ./target/spark-hbase-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar path/to/HBASE_HOME/lib mount table eee options(type 'hbase', hbase.zookeeper.quorum 'host', catalog '{"table":{"namespace":"default", "name":"test1000"},"rowkey":"key","columns":{"row":{"cf":"rowkey", "col":"key", "type":"string"},"male":{"cf":"family", "col":"male", "type":"boolean"},"address":{"cf":"family", "col":"address", "type":"string"},"height":{"cf":"family", "col":"height", "type":"float"},"score":{"cf":"family", "col":"score", "type":"double"},"salary":{"cf":"family", "col":"salary", "type":"long"}}}') select * from eee;

####es 5.3.2: mount table q5 options(type 'es', coordinates 'host:port', index 'test_mb_1000', dbtable 'my_table', 'cluster-name') select * from q5

#####parquet: mount table par options(type 'parquet', path 'hdfs://host:port/test/helloworld.parquet') select * from par

#####BATCH REST API: send query for mysql: curl -XPOST host:port/sql/batch/query -d '{"sqlList": ["mount table aaa options(type "mysql", url "jdbc:mysql://host:port/test",user "root", password "xxx", dbname "test", dbtable "book_list", driver "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")", "select * from aaa"]}' send query for es5: curl -XPOST host:port/sql/batch/query -d '{"sqlList": ["mount table bbb options(type "es", coordinates "host:port", index "test_mb_1000", dbtable "my_table", "edp-es")", "select event_id from bbb"]}' send query for hbase: curl -XPOST host:port/sql/batch/query -d '{ "sqlList": [ "mount table hhh options(type "hbase", hbase.zookeeper.quorum "zkhost", catalog "{ \"rowkey\": \"key\", \"columns\": { \"row\": { \"cf\": \"rowkey\", \"col\": \"key\", \"type\": \"string\" } }, \"table\": { \"namespace\": \"default\", \"name\": \"test1000\" } }" )" , "select * from hhh" ] }'

get progress: curl -XPOST host:port/sql/batch/progress -d '{"jobId": "xxx"}'

get result: curl -XPOST host:port/sql/batch/result -d '{"jobId": "xxx", "offset": 0, "size": 10000}'

#####ADHOC REST API: curl -XPOST host:port/sql/adhoc/query -d '{"sqlList": ["mount table aaa options(type "mysql", url "jdbc:mysql://host:port/test",user "root", password "xxx", dbname "test", dbtable "book_list", driver "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")", "select * from aaa"]}' curl -XPOST host:port/sql/adhoc/progress -d '{"jobId": "xxx"}' curl -XPOST host:port/sql/adhoc/result -d '{"jobId": "xxx", "offset":0, "size": 10000}'

#####Calcite ES5 Notice: Support: Select, Where, Order By, Group By, AND & OR, Like, Between, DISTINCT, IN count(), avg(), max(), min(), sum() scroll select

For example:

  1. select event_id, col_int_a from my_table where col_int_a between 1 AND 5
  2. select col_time_b from my_table where col_time_b>'2017-12-21T23:00:33Z'
  3. select event_id from my_table order by event_id DESC limit 12
  4. select event_id from my_table where col_str_k like 'i*'
  5. select max(height) from employee group by gender, haschild
  6. select count(*) from my_table where event_id >= 500 and event_id <= 700
  7. select max(event_id), min(col_long_c) from my_table group by col_long_a
  8. select c from ( select max(age) c, avg(age) d from employee group by gender ) abc where c < 50


  1. Not support : select col + 1 from tbl
  2. Not support : subquery
  3. Not support : join
  4. Not support : union
  5. in ES5, date type has three type, it can either be:
    strings containing formatted dates, e.g. "2015-01-01" or "2015/01/01 12:10:30". a long number representing milliseconds-since-the-epoch. an integer representing seconds-since-the-epoch. ONLY string is supported.
  6. Aggregation result size is 10000000