a Telegram Bot that can Bypass the Ad Links
Your bot token from @BotFatherCRYPT
(optional) Your GDTot Crypt! If you don't know how to get Crypt then Learn HereXSRF_TOKEN
(both are optional) XSRF_TOKEN and laravel_session cookies! If you don't know how to get then then watch this Video (for GDTOT) and do the same for Sharer.pw
start - Welcome Message with supported sites
af - adfly
gp - gplinks
dl - droplink
lv - linkvertise
md - mdisk
rl - rocklinks
pd - pixeldrain
wt - wetransfer
mu - megaup
gd - google drive look-alike
ot - others
ou - ouo
gt - gdtot
sh - sharer.pw
ps - psa.pm
go - gofile
st - shorte
pi - pixl
an - anonfiles
gy - gyanilinks
sg - shortingly
su - shareus
- Dr Caduceus for writing the Script in Colab
- Miss Emily for formatting the Code and adding more Scripts via Personal API
- Yukki Senpai for making various scripts publicly on his Profile