An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
DeepSpeech is an open source embedded (offline, on-device) speech-to-text engine which can run in real time on devices ranging from a Raspberry Pi 4 to high power GPU servers.
PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
FoundationDB - the open source, distributed, transactional key-value store
Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage and loading/saving to disk
NVIDIA® TensorRT™ is an SDK for high-performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs. This repository contains the open source components of TensorRT.
A General-purpose Task-parallel Programming System using Modern C++
Implementation of popular deep learning networks with TensorRT network definition API
C++ Requests: Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests.
Facebook AI Research's Automatic Speech Recognition Toolkit
TinyXML2 is a simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrated into other programs.
Learning embeddings for classification, retrieval and ranking.
Beringei is a high performance, in-memory storage engine for time series data.
BS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, modern, and easy-to-use C++17 / C++20 / C++23 thread pool library
A domain specific language to express machine learning workloads.
An efficient C++17 GPU numerical computing library with Python-like syntax
Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) decoder with dictionary and language model.
lingochamp / kaldi-ctc
Forked from kaldi-asr/kaldiConnectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) Automatic Speech Recognition
Explore the Capabilities of the TensorRT Platform
PyTorch implementation of LF-MMI for End-to-end ASR
NOTE: This plugin is now deprecated in favour of the coqui-stt branch in gst-plugins-bad: