This folder contains implementation of the theory of Abstract Interpretation.
The IKOS Core is a C++ library designed to facilitate the development of sound static analyzers based on Abstract Interpretation. Specialization of a static analyzer for an application or family of applications is critical for achieving both precision and scalability. Developing such an analyzer is arduous and requires significant expertise in Abstract Interpretation. The IKOS core library provides a generic and efficient implementation of state-of-the-art Abstract Interpretation data structures and algorithms, such as control-flow graphs, fixpoint iterators, numerical abstract domains, etc. The IKOS code is independent of a particular programming language. In order to build an effective static analyzer, one has to use the IKOS core building blocks in combination with a front-end for a particular language.
IKOS Core is a header-only C++ library. It can be installed independently from the other components.
To use IKOS Core, you will need the following dependencies:
- A C++ compiler that supports C++14 (gcc >= 4.9.2 or clang >= 3.4)
- CMake >=
- GMP >= 4.3.1
- Boost >= 1.55
- (Optional) APRON >= 0.9.10
To install IKOS Core, run the following commands in the core
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/core-install-directory ..
$ make install
To build and run the tests, simply type:
$ make check
To build the documentation, you will need Doxygen.
Then, simply type:
$ make doc
$ open doc/html/index.html
The following illustrates the directory structure of this folder:
├── doc
│ └── doxygen
├── include
│ └── ikos
│ └── core
│ ├── adt
│ │ └── patricia_tree
│ ├── domain
│ │ ├── exception
│ │ ├── lifetime
│ │ ├── machine_int
│ │ ├── memory
│ │ │ └── value
│ │ ├── nullity
│ │ ├── numeric
│ │ ├── pointer
│ │ └── uninitialized
│ ├── example
│ │ └── machine_int
│ ├── fixpoint
│ ├── legacy
│ │ ├── adt
│ │ ├── common
│ │ ├── domain
│ │ └── example
│ ├── number
│ ├── semantic
│ │ ├── machine_int
│ │ ├── memory
│ │ └── pointer
│ ├── support
│ └── value
│ ├── machine_int
│ ├── numeric
│ └── pointer
└── test
└── unit
├── adt
│ └── patricia_tree
├── domain
│ ├── machine_int
│ ├── nullity
│ ├── numeric
│ │ └── apron
│ ├── pointer
│ └── uninitialized
├── example
├── number
└── value
├── machine_int
└── numeric
Contains Doxygen files.
include/ikos/core/adt contains implementation of Abstract Data Types, e.g., patricia trees.
include/ikos/core/domain contains implementation of abstract domains.
include/ikos/core/domain/machine_int contains implementation of machine integer abstract domains.
include/ikos/core/domain/memory contains implementation of memory abstract domains.
include/ikos/core/domain/numeric contains implementation of numerical abstract domains, e.g., the interval, congruence, difference-bound matrices, octagon domains, etc.
include/ikos/core/domain/pointer contains implementation of pointer abstract domains and pointer constraints solvers.
include/ikos/core/example contains usage examples, e.g., muZQ: is a micro language for semantic modeling over integer and rational numbers.
include/ikos/core/fixpoint contains implementation of fixpoint iterators.
include/ikos/core/legacy contains unmaintained code that will be removed in the future.
include/ikos/core/number contains implementation of numbers, e.g, integers, rationals and machine integers.
include/ikos/core/semantic contains definition of traits, e.g., the control flow graph traits.
include/ikos/core/support contains various helpers, e.g, assertions.
include/ikos/core/value contains implementation of abstract values, e.g, intervals, congruences, etc.
Contains unit tests.