DeepL translation plugin for Vim/NeoVim.
- DeepL account (
- curl
For vim-plug
Plug "ryicoh/deepl.vim"
For dein.vim
call dein#add("ryicoh/deepl.vim")
let g:deepl#endpoint = ""
let g:deepl#auth_key = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:fx"
" replace a visual selection
vmap t<C-e> <Cmd>call deepl#v("EN")<CR>
vmap t<C-j> <Cmd>call deepl#v("JA")<CR>
" translate a current line and display on a new line
nmap t<C-e> yypV<Cmd>call deepl#v("EN")<CR>
nmap t<C-j> yypV<Cmd>call deepl#v("JA")<CR>
" specify the source language
" translate from FR to EN
nmap t<C-e> yypV<Cmd>call deepl#v("EN", "FR")<CR>