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This action is a simple wrapper for S3cmd.

It is currently only tested with linode. It works with all environments though, it just a matter of setting the right flags.



Not required The cluster the buckets reside in.


Required The buckets access key.


Required The buckets secret key.


Not Required An additional access token that is used by AWS.

Example usage

- name: Set up S3cmd cli tool
  uses: s3-actions/s3cmd@main
    provider: aws # default is linode
    region: 'eu-central-1'
    access_key: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY }}
    secret_key: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_KEY }}

- name: Interact with object storage
  run: |
    buck="github-action-${{ github.run_id }}"
    mkdir example
    s3cmd mb s3://$buck
    echo 'foo' >> example/bar
    s3cmd put example/bar s3://foobarbaz
    mkdir -p example/baz/bar
    echo 'fizz' >> example/baz/bar/faz
    sleep 5
    s3cmd sync --recursive --acl-public example s3://$buck
    sleep 5
    s3cmd rm -r --force s3://$buck
    sleep 5
    s3cmd rb s3://$buck


The region only matters when creating a new bucket with mb. In that case a different region that the one passed to the action can be provided.

s3cmd mb --region ap-south-1 s:·//my-bucket

For linode object storage this wont work though. The region must always be set to US. If you want to change the region on the fly you can still do ith with

s3cmd mb --host  s3://my-bucket